Walk Kansas 2020 encourages healthier lives

The Walk Kansas 2020 program, held March 15 through May 9, is encouraging residents to get out and walk.

The low-cost, team-based program will focus on encouraging walking and making better nutrition choices. Participants are asked to register with the program.

Offered through the Wyandotte County K-State Research and Extension office, the Walk Kansas 2020 health initiative will log minutes of activity by a team for eight weeks.

Teams of six, with a captain, will set a goal to work toward. Participants will log their activity minutes and the amount of fruits and vegetables they eat. They can log online or on paper.

The program encourages participants to meet the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines of at least 150 minutes a week of moderate or vigorous intensity activity. Less than half of Kansas adults currently meet minimum recommendations for physical activity.

Also, less than 10 percent of Kansans eat enough fruits and vegetables, according to health officials.

For complete details, brochures, and registration information visit the county extension website, https://www.wyandotte.k-state.edu/program_areas/health-nutrition/walk-kansas/index.html. For more information, call 913-299-9300.

  • Information from Wyandotte County Extension office