Virtual town hall meeting planned Tuesday on COVID-19 and businesses

A virtual town hall meeting is planned from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8, on COVID-19 and businesses, according to the Unified Government Health Department.

The event is for Wyandotte County businesses, owners, managers and representatives, and plans to address key topics including:

• How current health orders and protocols apply to the workplace.
• Hear the latest public health recommendations about COVID-19.
• Learn how to use a trauma-informed approach to address concerns or conflict among employees and customers.

The event will include: a presentation from Hailey Shoemaker, UG Health Department epidemiologist, and information from Chandra Green, the Director of Alive and Thrive Wyandotte County.

There will be a question-and-answer session with speakers, participants and other UG Health Department personnel.

The event is a Zoom meeting. Those who are interested may participate by joining the town hall on Zoom at or

Persons also may participate through the telephone by calling toll-free 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499 . Use webinar ID: 847 0444 1706.

Interested individuals from Wyandotte County businesses can get more info at or by going to and clicking on “events.”

This event will be presented in English. No RSVP or registration is necessary in order to participate. For more information about COVID-19 in Wyandotte County, visit or call 3-1-1.