Various topics discussed at West Patrol meeting


Opinion column

by Murrel Bland

Capt. Steve Smith talked about a wide range of subjects when the West Patrol Advisory Committee met in a conference room Thursday, May 26, at the West Patrol office.

The office recently underwent a significant remodeling. The new look for the office includes historic photos of the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.

Apartment complexes in the West Patrol Area continue to be crime hotspots and draw special attention from patrol officers, Capt. Smith said.

The area near Legends Outlet at 110th Street and Parallel Parkway attracts the homeless.

Special traffic consideration will be afforded the new What-a-Burger restaurant, scheduled to open soon, in Village West, he said.

Maps show where gunshots have been heard; very few end up in buildings. Most of this gunfire is east of I-635, Capt. Smith said.

Two women robbed the convenience store at 6001 Parallel Parkway.

Homicides have increased in Kansas City, Kansas, this year with 18 compared to 10 this time last year. Last year, the Police Department had an 86 percent solve rate, Capt. Smith said.

Drug use continues to increase including the use of deadly Fentanyl. This makes it very dangerous for investigating officers. Emergency service personnel carry a Fentanyl antidote, Narcan, Capt. Smith said.

Murrel Bland is the former editor of The Wyandotte West and The Piper Press. He is a member of Business West.