Utility scammers attempt to rip off customers again

A new wrinkle in utility scams is a robo call telling customers they’ll be disconnected if the scammer doesn’t receive payment within 30 minutes, according to the Board of Public Utilities.

BPU spokesman David Mehlhaff said that’s something the Kansas City, Kansas, BPU does not do, never has and never will.

“We do robo calls as reminders, but we give people plenty of advance warning to pay their utility bills,” Mehlhaff said.

“Once again the scammers are trying something creative,” he said.

Thanks to the word getting out about the scams, no one has fallen for them this time, he added.

In the latest scam, customers are instructed to call a 1-800-number to make a payment; however, that phone number is in no way connected to the BPU.

Customers are reminded to be on alert and to never share personal or financial information with anyone, the BPU spokesman said. Customers who suspect they are being threatened by a scam are encouraged to hang up immediately and call the BPU Customer Service Department directly at 913-573-9190.

BPU offers these tips for customers to protect themselves if they are uncertain about the authenticity of a call, email or visit from a utility representative:

  • Never give credit or debit card, Social Security, ATM, checking or savings account numbers to anyone who comes to your home, calls, texts and sends an email requesting this information about your utility bill, without verifying that is an authentic BPU call by either asking to see company identification or by calling the BPU Customer Service Department.
  • Be suspicious if you receive an email regarding your utility bill if you have not requested online communications from BPU.
  • Never provide personal information via email or click any suspicious links or attachments.