Update on condition of 13-year-old rescued from Parkwood Pool

A 13-year-old rescued from Parkwood Pool on June 5 currently is on life support, according to the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Office spokesman.

Doctors determined on June 12 that the 13-year-old male has no brain activity, the spokesman said.

The victim is expected to remain on life support until his family takes him off the life support, according to the spokesman.

The boy was pulled from the pool about 6:55 p.m. June 5 by members of the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department, according to a spokesman for the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Office.

He was taken to Children’s Mercy Hospital in critical condition, the spokesman stated.

The victim and two other juveniles on June 5 climbed over a fence and entered the pool, which was closed and locked, according to the spokesman. The victim jumped into the deep end, resurfaced and then went back under, unable to return to the surface. The other juveniles ran to get help from the Fire Department, while the victim’s brother arrived and tried to rescue him.