Dupree wins unofficial election night totals

Incumbent District Attorney Mark Dupree won the unofficial election night totals over challenger Kristiane Bryant with 55 percent of the vote on Tuesday night in Wyandotte County.

Dupree had 8,790 votes to Bryant’s 7,334, according to the unofficial totals on Tuesday night.

Only one vote separated Rep. Stan Frownfelter from challenger Aaron Coleman in the 37th District. Coleman led 768 to Frownfelter’s 767.

There are more votes expected to come into the election office by Friday night. Mail ballots that were postmarked on Tuesday have until Friday to arrive at the election office.

In the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Kris Kobach surpassed Bob Hamilton by three votes in Wyandotte County, while Roger Marshall won the statewide vote with 39 percent. Dr. Marshall, an obstetrician who is a native of El Dorado, Kansas, is currently the U.S. representative from the 1st District of Kansas.

Dr. Barbara Bollier won the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate with 86 percent of the vote tonight. She has represented the Mission Hills area in the state Senate.

For U.S. representative, 3rd District, Amanda Adkins won both Wyandotte County and district-wide election night totals in the Republican primary.

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., the incumbent, did not have opposition in the primary.

Two incumbents with primary opposition won their party’s nomination tonight, Rep. Pam Curtis, D-32nd Dist., and Rep. Broderick Henderson, D-35th Dist.

All of advance and all polling places votes – 22,539 ballots cast.

(Only candidates with opposition listed here)

Democratic candidates

Wyandotte County District Attorney

Mark Dupree Sr. (incumbent) 8,790
Kristiane Bryant 7,334

State representative, 32nd District
Pam Curtis (incumbent) 706
Oscar Irenia 234

State representative, 35th District
Broderick Henderson (incumbent) 1,588
Nelson R. Gabriel 841

State representative, 37th District
Stan S. Frownfelter (incumbent) 767
Aaron Coleman 768

U.S. Senate (Wyandotte County only)
Barbara Bollier 11,396
Robert Leon Tillman 3,799

U.S. Senate (Statewide)
Barbara Bollier 141,276
Robert Leon Tillman 22,542

Republican candidates

U.S. Senate (Wyandotte County votes)
Lance Berland 41
John L. Berman 14
Derek C. Ellis 37
Bob Hamilton 2,031
Kris Kobach 2,034
David Alan Lindstrom 250
Roger Marshall 1,204

Brian Matlock 282
John Miller 66
Steve Roberts 105
Gabriel Mark Robles 57

U.S. Senate
Lance Berland 4,712
John L. Berman 687
Derek C. Ellis 3,314
Bob Hamilton 61,744
Kris Kobach 85,312
David Alan Lindstrom 22,122
Roger Marshall 126,300
Brian Matlock 5,682
John Miller 3,627
Steve Roberts 6,544
Gabriel Mark Robles 3,082

U.S. representative, 3rd District (Wyandotte County only)
Amanda L. Adkins 1,572
Mike Beehler 998
Adrienne Vallejo Foster 1,379
Tom Love 386
Sara Hart Weir 1,562

U.S. representative, 3rd District (District-wide)
Amanda L. Adkins 26,481
Mike Beehler 16,831
Adrienne Vallejo Foster 17,326
Tom Love 5,879
Sara Hart Weir 19,842

These unofficial results do not include provisional ballots and advance ballots that were cast by mail and received after Election Day. Results will not be official until the canvass.