Unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent in Wyandotte County

The unemployment rate for Wyandotte County dropped to 5.5 percent in September, down from 6.7 percent in August, according to figures released today by the Kansas Department of Labor.

A similar drop was seen for Kansas City, Kan., which recorded a 5.6 percent unemployment rate in September as compared to 6.8 percent in August.

The state of Kansas also recorded a decrease in the unemployment rate, from 4.6 percent in August to 4.4 percent in September, seasonally adjusted.

The Kansas City, Kan., unemployment rate represents 3,831 persons who are listed as unemployed.

The Kansas City, Kan., unemployment rate was the highest of all the largest cities in Kansas, according to Department of Labor statistics. Junction City, Kan., reported 5.5 percent unemployment and Wichita had 4.8 percent unemployment. Junction City had 517 unemployed persons and Wichita had 8,837, according to the statistics.

Officials with the state Department of Labor said construction jobs were up statewide, increasing by 9.5 percent over the year, with average hourly wages in construction increasing by 6 percent.