UG meeting tonight to include public hearing on Legends apartments, parking garage

The Unified Government Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on a community improvement district for new apartments and a parking garage at The Legends at 7 p.m. Jan. 7 at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, Kansas City, Kan.

On the agenda for the 7 p.m. meeting are several planning and zoning items. There will be an update of the K-32 corridor plan, Rosedale master plan and sign code rewriting.

A public hearing will be held on the creation of The Legends Apartments Community Improvement District.

This would include levying a community improvement district sales tax and issuing special obligation bonds for a $50 million apartments and three-story garage project at The Legends. It would have more than 240 units of luxury market-rate apartments, according to agenda information.

Also on the agenda are refinancing Wyandotte Plaza bonds, a topic discussed at a Monday night UG committee meeting.

Several other items also are on the agenda.

At 5 p.m. tonight, there will be a special session of the UG Commission on the fifth floor of City Hall to hear the Kansas City, Kan., Area Chamber of Commerce’s legislative agenda, followed by a review of community survey questions.

Added to the special session was a closed, executive session afterward concerning litigation.

The agenda for the 7 p.m. meeting is at