UG committees tonight to discuss mandatory flu reporting, flavored tobacco ban, other topics

Several topics are on the agendas for the Unified Government Public Works and Safety Committee and the Administration and Human Services Committee meetings tonight.

The UG’s PWS meeting will start at 5 p.m., followed by the AHS meeting.

They will be remote meetings on Zoom.

The PWS agenda includes:

• A $165,000 local match for a total of $300,000 long-range transportation, land use integration and environmental planning process.
• Update on the MARC PSP grant and the UG’s $15,000 local match for the $135,000 route selection, economic development and green infrastructure integration planning process.
• The $18,900 local match for a multi-use corridor and land use integration planning process from MARC.
• Priority traffic signal project authorization, including survey.
• Complete Street City-Wide Policy.
• Update on policy body camera project.
• Update on grant-funded activities and projects including Community Connect for the police department.
• 2021 Capital Maintenance Improvement Program report.

On the AHS agenda:

• Presentation from Climate Action KC.
• Ordinance requiring the reporting of flu cases to the UG Health Department.
• Ordinance banning the sale of flavored tobacco products, including vaping products and menthol cigarettes in Kansas City, Kansas.
• Ordinance on the sale of tobacco products to those under 21.
• Update on CARES Act funding and CDBG CARES funding.

The UG Committee meetings are expected to be on UGTV, on cable television, and also on YouTube.

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