UG committees to meet tonight

The Unified Government Public Works and Safety Committee and the Administration and Human Services Committee will meet tonight, in a Zoom meeting.

The agenda for the PWS Committee includes:

• A resolution approving an agreement with Bishop Ward High School for the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department to provide a school resource officer. The school would pay $30,000 to the UG this school year.

• A resolution declaring CSO 19 Sewer Separation, phase 1, to be a necessary and valid improvement, and authorizing a survey of land for the project. This project includes construction of new sanitary and storm sewers; Big Eleven Lake enhancements, including energy dissipation and aeration; utilization of Big Eleven Lake for stormwater storage; stormwater pretreatment facilities, including bioretention and mechanical debris-nutrient separators; closure of Waterway Drive between Washington Boulevard and State Avenue; and parking areas east of Big Eleven Lake. The location is Washington Boulevard to Sandusky Avenue, North 13th Street to North 10th Street.

• An update on CORDICO, a wellness app that public safety has implemented. The public safety departments will provide an update on implementation of the app.

The Administration and Human Services Committee will meet after the PWS meeting ends.

On the agenda for the AHS meeting:

• A third amendment to the development agreement for the Legends West Lawn. The amendment would allow for disbursement to the remaining funds in the project fund on the condition that the developer either paves the parking lot or the UG a redevelopment plan for the parking lot by Nov. 30, 2022. The previous agreement required the developer to pave the parking lot by Dec. 31 of this year. The UG previously did not disburse the remaining funds, according to the third amendment, because the developer failed to timely perform the paving obligations. The UG issued a default letter to the developer in connection with the paving obligations on Aug. 19, 2021. If the parking lot repaving and striping is not completed by Nov. 30, 2022, or a redevelopment plan with an alternative use for the parcel is not approved by Nov. 30, 2022, then the developer would pay liquidated damages of $500,000 to the UG, according to the third amendment.

• A UG mitigation plan for staff related to COVID-19 and the ARPA allocation also is on the agenda. The proposed resolution would set aside $1 million from federal ARPA funds for a program to provide testing and incentives for UG staff. Under this plan, UG staff would get $400 for being fully vaccinated, and another $100 for a third booster shot, if they qualify. Those who do not get vaccinated would begin weekly COVID-19 tests on Dec. 1. The policy would apply full-time employees, part-time employees, temp agency employees, contractors and volunteers.

The meetings will be on Zoom starting at 5 p.m. Sept. 27.

To join the webinar, visit

The passcode is 328962.

The Webinar ID is 880 5243 0287.

To listen to the meeting by phone, call toll-free 888-475-4499 or 877-853-5257.

The meetings also are expected to be on UG TV cable television and on YouTube.