UG committees to meet tonight

Two Unified Government committees are scheduled to meet tonight.

The Public Works and Safety Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, April 26, in a Zoom meeting.

On the agenda is an ordinance that revises regulations municipal separate storm sewer system requirements.

Also on the agenda is an update on the Unified Government’s stormwater design criteria.

The agenda also includes a request to apply for the EPA’s healthy, resilient and sustainable materials management grant.

The UG Administration and Human Services Committee will meet after the Public Works Committee meeting.

`On the agenda is a report on the Workday Enterprise Resource Planning system.

Also on the agenda is an announcement of a grant of $200,000 from the Bloch Family Foundation for the Health Department’s COVID-19 Rapid Response.

The meeting is on the internet on Zoom at

The passcode is 982773.

For more information about how to join the meeting, visit

The meeting also is expected to be on UGTV cable channels and on YouTube.