UG committees to meet tonight

Two Unified Government committees are scheduled to meet on Monday, May 18.

The Public Works and Safety Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, followed by the Administration and Human Services Committee. They will be virtual meetings held on Zoom.

On the agenda for the PWS meeting are an agreement with Westwood for 47th Avenue improvements, Rainbow Boulevard improvements to Mission Road; a police and sheriff’s grant application for $318,256 for the fiscal year 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding , to be used for purchasing items for use when handling incidents, directly related to coronavirus exposure; an update on the police body camera project; and a Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant application for the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department, requesting 18 additional firefighters.

On the AHS meeting agenda are the reappointment of Rachel Jefferson to the REACH Healthcare Foundation’s Community Advisory Committee, submitted by Alley Porter, commission liaison; and an update on technology initiatives including connections to the UG fiber network, upgrades to the UG geospatial technology and the UG’s move into cloud technologies.

Those who want to comment on any item on the agenda may submit their comments by email by 3 p.m. Monday to [email protected], according to a note on the clerk’s website.

The agendas are online at

Access information for the PWS and AHS meetings:

The web address for the meeting is
Password: 003880

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