UG committees to meet Monday night

Two Unified Government committees will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, June 22, in a remote Internet meeting.

The Public Works and Safety Committee meeting will meet at 5 p.m.

On the agenda:

• A $1 million grant for the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department, in conjunction with the Health Department, on community-based crime reduction.

• A resolution recommending the naming of a 7-mile tributary in Wyandotte County after Chief Ne Con He Con, who lived from 1809 to 1863. He was the chief of the Wolf Band of the Delaware Tribe and is buried near the headwaters of an unnamed tributary of Wolf Creek. Ne con He con Creek was the historical name of the tributary. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names has received a proposal from the vice president of the Bonner Springs Historic Preservation Society to make Ne con He con Creek the official name. They have asked the Unified Government for their input.

• Also on the Public Works and Safety Committee is an update on the KC Levee projects, including the Argentine, Armourdale and Central Industrial District units.The UG has joined with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kaw Valley Drainage District and Kansas City, Missouri, in a $435 million KC Levees Project. The design of the 17-mile levee upgrades on Argentine, Armourdale and CID Levee units is taking place and real estate acquisition has begun, according to the agenda.

The Administration and Human Services Committee will meet after the Public Works and Safety Committee meeting.

On the agenda for the Administration and Human Services Committee will be:

• A proposal to rename the UG Urban Planning and Land Use Department to the Planning and Urban Design Department.

• An update on Parks and Recreation Department software.

• A discussion about the Community Development Department Revised 2020 and Proposed 2021 budgets, and the Draft 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan.

• A request to accept grant funds of $750,000 from the Metro Rapid Response Fund for the UG Health Department’s COVID response.

The agendas are online at

To view the meetings, see cable channel 2 on Spectrum or channel 141 on Google TV. It also is on YouTube.

The meeting will be on Zoom at
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