UG committees scheduled to meet tonight

Two Unified Government committees are scheduled to meet Monday night.

The Economic Development and Finance Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, in the fifth floor conference room, Suite 515, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The meeting also will be on Zoom.

On the agenda for the EDF meeting will be a resolution authorizing the Board of Public Utilities to obtain a loan from the Kansas Public Water Supply Fund administered by the Kansas Department of Helath and Environment.

Also on the agenda is a resolution amending the Brotherhood Bank multi-purpose commercial project, with a total not to exceed $28 million in industrial revenue bonds for a sales tax exemption at the buildings at 753 State Ave. and 736 Minnesota. The project includes office uses, multi-family units and facilities. KDG LLC is the developer. There are 29 multi-family units in the project. In June 2022 the original resolution was for $12 million in IRBs.

The UG Neighborhood and Community Development Committee meeting will begin after the end of the EDF meeting, in the fifth floor meeting room.

The NCD committee will hear an update on the east-west transit study from the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority.

There also are more than 80 Land Bank properties on the NCD agenda for option applications. Also, several Land Bank property transfers are on the agenda.

To see the Land Bank items, visit the meeting agenda at

To connect to the EDF meeting on Zoom, visit
The passcode is 610969.

To connect to the NCD meeting on Zoom, visit
The passcode is 610969.

More information about the meetings is at