UG Committee to meet tonight

The Unified Government Neighborhood and Community Development Committee is scheduled to meet at 5 p.m. Monday, March 4, at the fifth floor conference room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St.

On the agenda are amendments to the administrative penalty process for code enforcement and increasing the range of penalties. The proposed fines ranges from $100 for a first code enforcement violation to $1,500 for a sixth violation within two years.

Land Bank items on the agenda include:
• 1227 Ann Ave., yard extension, Saul Franco Meza, applicant;
• 1233 Ann Ave., property acquisition, Saul Franco Meza, applicant.
• 748 Seminary St., transfer from Land Bank, Rosedale Development Association, community garden.

According to the agenda, all properties in the Dec. 13, 2018, tax sale that received a bid and were deemed no sales or were not redeemed by a winning bidder will go into the Land Bank. There are more than 100 properties on a list in the agenda that will go into the Land Bank if approved.

These properties are listed on the agenda for the March 4 UG committee meeting, online on p. 36 at

Items that are approved at the UG committee meeting March 4 will advance to the UG full commission meeting at a later date.

An agenda is posted at