UG Committee meetings planned tonight

Two UG Committee meetings are scheduled starting at 5 p.m. Monday, May 21, in the fifth floor conference room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

On the agenda for the Public Works and Safety Committee meeting at 5 p.m. are a discussion on creating a policy for roadside memorials; a proposed agreement between the UG and Bonner Springs for street maintenance and police services to the Loring area; and a grant application for a program aimed at reducing violent crime.

On the agenda for the Administration and Human Services Committee meeting following the PWS meeting are amendments to the UG’s anti-discrimination ordinance that would add gender identity and sexual orientation to protected categories; a request for the creation of a permanent transit route serving the Amazon fulfillment center; a request to use route savings to fund the 18th Street transit route from Quindaro to Roeland Park; request for rezoning of the Turner Vista project on the west side of the Turner Diagonal; grant application approvals for the autonomous vehicle transit study, KCK greenway urban trail system; and 47th and Georgia complete street study; and approval of an agreement with the Housing Authority to submit an application for a $1.3 million planning and action grant for Juniper Gardens.