UG Commission votes to reverse casino grant for one recipient

The Unified Government Commission tonight voted unanimously to reverse a grant from Hollywood Casino charitable funding that had been previously approved.

Commissioners Ann Murguia and Hal Walker changed their grant recipients, eliminating the Spring Valley Neighborhood Association.

The change came about because the Wyandotte County Parks Foundation would not accept the funds and act as a partner or fiscal agent to the Spring Valley Neighborhood Association. The project would have put in sidewalks in a residential neighborhood. The neighborhood association had sought a partner because one of the requirements for casino funding included a 501c3 organization.

Murguia added the Argentine Betterment Corp. for the program, A Healthy Active Argentine for All Ages, for the full amount of $44,990 from the 3rd District.

Walker’s grant organizations for the 2nd District at-large now include Kansas Black Chamber Foundation, KC Blue Dogs Sports Ministries, $1,000; Argentine Eagles Post 213, youth softball field renovation, $7,500; Turner Recreation Commission, Turner Community Garden, $5,825; Historic Northeast Midtown Association Inc., Learn to Earn, $5,000; Vaughn-Trent Community Services Inc., fresh foods program, $5,000; Revolve, Revolve KCK, Earn a Bike program, $5,500; County Fair Foundation, Fair Ground Shooting Park, $10,000; and Turner Community Connection, Healthy Turner Community Project, $5,165, for a total $44,990.