UG Commission tonight to consider sale of Hilton Garden Inn; Wyandotte Plaza sale; creation of Rainbow Village Redevelopment District; replacement of Riverview Avenue bridge

The Unified Government Commission is scheduled to meet on Thursday, Dec. 17, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

On the agenda for the 7 p.m. meeting in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, will be:

• An extension of the sunset date of Dec. 31, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2017, on the minority and women business contracts program for construction contracts exceeding $250,000. This was part of the UG’s code of ordinances.

• Distribution of the 2016 Special Drug and Alcohol Tax Funds to Associated Youth Services, $127,536; Friends of Yates, $73,474; and Mirror Inc., $48,490.

• A request for Violence against Women Act funding for $76,618 for partial salaries and travel with a match of $25,313. The match is the remainining salaries for two person and travel expenses to ca conference on domestic violence.

• A resolution approving the offering for sale of municipal temporary notes and general obligation bonds for the UG. The temporary notes are $61,048,573.29 in tax-exempt notes and $7,167,702.08 in taxable notes; and the general obligation improvement bonds are $28,076,930.89 in tax-exempt bonds.

• An amendment to the Wyandotte Plaza redevelopment agreement allowing for the sale of Wyandotte Plaza by the developer, removing the pledge of the original community improvement district to the lender. The amendment pledges the original CID to the initial bond refinancing, which will occur in February 2016.

• A resolution authorizing the transfer and sale of Wyandotte Plaza retail center, including grocery store and all in-line shops, at 78th and State Avenue to Phillips Edison.

• A resolution authorizing the transfer and sale of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in the Wyandotte Plaza Retail Center at 78th and State Avenue to LAG Investments Kansas City.

• A resolution authorizing the replacement of the existing Riverview Avenue Bridge over Turner Diagonal with a new bridge and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds not to exceed $8.8 million for the improvement.

• A plat is submitted for KU Medical Plaza, first plat, at 39th and State Line Road, being developed by the KU Hospital Authority.

• A plat is submitted for Kaw 88, second plat, Gibbs Road and South 88th Street, developed by W.H. Warehouse.

• Rescheduling a public hearing date for Legends Apartments community improvement district. The proposal is to terminate the previous community improvement district action, and create a new public hearing date of Jan. 7, to consider the CID in the new CID petition filed Dec. 10. The development is a $50 million three-story apartment and garage complex at the Legends with 240 plus units of luxury, market-rate apartments above. According to the agenda, the original CID petition had errors in the legal description.

• Rescheduling a public hearing for Legends Apartments industrial revenue bonds.

• A public hearing on the creation of the Rainbow Village Redevelopment District, a four-acre parcel at the northwest corner of 34th and Rainbow Boulevard. There is a hotel planned there. This action would establish a TIF district.

• Public hearing on the University-Rosedale Urban Renewal Plan Amendment. The original plan has language prohibiting construction of any new hotels, motels or transient guest housing developments. The proposal would remove this language.

• Public hearing to amend the Metropolitan Avenue Redevelopment District plan. This concerns the new South Patrol police station proposed on Metropolitan Avenue.

• Resolution for the future sale of the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. This would authorize the UG to proceed with a purchase-sale agreement for the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Kansas City, Kan. and would approve a third-party agreement for management of the Reardon Convention Center. The UG is one of the owners of the downtown hotel, and the UG fully owns the Reardon Convention Center.

• Adoption of the UG’s state lobbying priorities for 2016.

• Several Land Bank items.

The UG also has a special session scheduled at 5 p.m. tonight, Dec. 17, in the ninth floor conference room, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., to have a closed session with a quarterly litigation update and a discussion about labor.

Immediately after the closed session, the UG Commission will move to the fifth floor to hear a presentation on the water pollution control plan in Suite 515, which will be an open meeting.