UG Commission to meet tonight

The Unified Government Commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 3.

The agenda includes:

  • Authorizing legal proceedings to acquire property for the Leavenworth Road improvement project from 78th to 63rd streets;
  • Authorizing legal proceedings to acquire property for the Armourdale CID to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain the levee system along the Kansas River;
  • Approval of a rule to require operators of public transportation systems that receive federal funds and certain grants to develop safety plan including the processes and procedures to implement safety management systems;
  • Approval for a grant of $732,567.97 from KDHE ELC COVID-19 staffing and infrastructure support, and $800,000 ELC Optimal-Care Resource Coordination and Expanded Testing COVID-19;
  • Approval to apply for an d accept the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for $88,514. Part of the grant would be used for the new comfort canine program, which would assistant officers with stress and trauma they experience in the line of duty. The canines also could comfort victims of crime. The rest of the grant would go toward officer protective equipment used for training and for civil unrest, according to agenda information;
  • Approval of an agreement with the Bonner Springs-Edwardsville school district for a school resource officer to serve at the school district.

Also, the UG Commission will hold a special session at 5 p.m. on labor and litigation. It will be a closed executive session.

The 7 p.m. meeting is expected to be shown on UGTV on Cable Channel 2 on Spectrum and on Channel 141 on Google Fiber. The meeting also is expected to be shown on YouTube. In addition, it will be on the internet on Zoom.

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