UG Commission to meet tonight

The Unified Government Commission plans to meet at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 24.

On the agenda for the meeting at 7 p.m.:

• An ordinance amending the benefits of the mayor as it relates to accrued vacation time, compensatory time and sick leave;

• A community comment time to allow residents to express concerns relating to the UG’s interest and control. Participants are limited to two minutes. Those appearing in the City Hall lobby will be given priority, followed by a limited number of participants registered online through the UG clerk’s office. Those who registered online may not be given an immediate opportunity to participate because of time constraints, according to the agenda. There is a maximum time limit of 45 minutes on the comment session. Because of time limits, there are no guarantees that participants who registered will have time to speak.

• A resolution to amend the master equipment lease purchase agreement with Ban of America public capital corporation.

• Approval of 2021-2022 budget revisions for the Fire Department, revising the Kansas Avenue Fire Maintenance Facility project to include the Fire Department Quartermaster project.

• A resolution to issue, sell and deliver municipal temporary notes, Series 2022-I.

• An ordinance to authorize and provide for the issuance of general obligation improvement bonds, Series 2022-A, and a resolution authorizing and directing the sale and delivery of eneral obligation improvement bonds, Series 2022-A.

• A presentation by Alan Carr, Visit KCK executive director, on the status of tourism and convention promotion projects and events for 2022, and an update on the Visit KCK budget.

• Nominations to boards and commissions, including:
John Altevogt nominated to the Landmarks Commission by Commissioner Chuck Stites;
William Barajas nominated to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board by Commissioner Stites;
Duane Beth nominated to the Law Enforcement Adisory Board by Sheriff Dan Soptic;
Karen Daniels nominated to the UG Park Board by Commissioner Harold Johnson;
LaDora Lattimore nominated to the Housing Authority by Commissioner Tom Burroughs;
Scott Mackey nominated to the UG Park Board by Commissioner Mike Kane;
James Schraeder nominated to the Landmarks Commission by Comissioner Andrew Davis;
Aaron Ward nominated to the Planning Commission-Board of Zoning Appeals by Commissioner Stites.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda are Land Bank actions, including:

Land Bank option applications:
New construction, single-family homes, two homes.
2712 Spring Ave., 2714 Spring Ave., 2716 Spring Ave., 2718 Spring Ave., The Village Initiative 2, 5-bedroom transitional houses.

New construction, multi family.
2416 S. 51st St.

New construction, commercial,
1821 N. 10th St., Alex Del Real, cabinet shop and showroom.

New construction, commercial,
500 Freeman Ave., Thatcher’s Family Life Center.

Land Bank property transfer
1101 Tenny Ave., Shaylynn Celedon, unbuildable lot, yard extension.

At the 5 p.m. UG Commission meeting, there will be a PBB overview.

Immediately following will be an executive, closed, session in the fifth floor conference room at City Hall regarding labor negotiations.

The public will be able to observe and listen to the meetings on YouTube and UGTV or through Zoom. The public also may view the meetings from the lobby of the City Hall, 701 N. 7th St.

For more information on how to connect to the meeting, visit