UG Commission to meet tonight

The Unified Government Commission will meet at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. today, Feb. 26, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

At the 7 p.m. meeting, at the lobby level, Commission Chambers, three resolutions on the Diary Farmers of America new office building near 98th between State Avenue and Parallel Parkway are on the agenda.

These were approved recently by the Administration and Human Services Standing Committee.

Also on the agenda for the 7 p.m. meeting is an ordinance concerning a moratorium on vending machines. It would allow existing vending machines to stay in place for 120 days.

Another item on the agenda is a plan review for the hotel at the Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, Kan.

There are also several other zoning items on the 7 p.m. agenda. They include:
• A change of zone from single-family district to planned commercial district for storage units and parking of RV, boat and antique restoration and retail, at 7756 Holliday Drive.

• A special use permit for temporary use of land to store a 20-foot shipping container at 4437 Claudine Lane.

• A special use permit for a drinking establishing-restaurant with live entertainment at 16 N. James St.

• Vacation of utility easements at 1929 Village West Parkway.

• An ordinance rezoning property at 5424 N. 115th St. from county agriculture district to city agriculture dist.

• An ordinance vacating a utility easement at 12710 and 21716 Hubbard Road.

• A special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with existing restaurant at 151 S. 18th St.

• Preliminary plan review for 248-room hotel with ballroom at 777 Hollywood Casino Boulevard.

• Proposed revisions to the Environs Review Ordinance.

• Rezoning of property on 6th Street, Tauromee to Splitlog, from 3 commercial district to either central business district or traditional neighborhood design. This was approved at a standing committee Feb. 2.

At the 6 p.m. meeting, in the fifth floor meeting room, at City Hall, there will be a budget discussion on the mill levy.