UG Commission to hold special meeting today on personnel

A special meeting of the Unified Government Commission has been called for 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30, to discuss a personnel issue.

The agenda for the meeting does not state what position will be discussed, only “a candidate for employment.”

The announcement was made on Wednesday of UG Administrator Doug Bach’s retirement, effective Jan. 6.

According to the agenda for Dec. 30, the UG Commission will schedule an executive session to discuss a candidate for employment, “a private personnel matter.” Executive sessions are closed to the public under the Kansas Open Meetings Act.

According to the meeting notice, the meeting will be in the fifth floor conference room at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The meeting will be on Zoom at

The public also may access the meeting by phone.

The lobby of City Hall will be open to the public to those who want to view the meeting from there.

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