UG Commission to hear update on health orders

The Unified Government Commission is scheduled to hear an update on the new COVID-19 health order in Wyandotte County at tonight’s commission meeting.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Nov. 19 and will be remote. It will be on UGTV on cable television, and also on YouTube, as well as on Zoom.

Besides the health update, the UG Commission will consider an ordinance to terminate the Westfield Shopping Center Community Improvement District.

Also on the agenda is a public hearing to consider a resolution approving an amendment to the 2019 annual action plan incorporating CARES Act funding to the Community Development Block Grant program.

The commission also will consider an ordinance to implement a Complete Street citywide policy.

Taxable industrial revenue bonds for the PQ Corp. project, not to exceed $18 million, also are on the agenda. A second ordinance would issue up to $2 million in IRBs.

Another IRB issue on the agenda is for the NP Turner Industrial project, not to exceed $28 million.

Also before the commission is a resolution for assignment and assumption of lease agreements and development agreements for the Village West Apartments II project.

The Land Bank will be asked to consider:

New construction, single family homes:
732 Everett Ave., Community Housing of Wyandotte County
62 S. 23rd St., Community Housing of Wyandotte County
74 S. 13th St., Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City
80 S. 13th St., Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City
81 S. 24th St., Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City
16 S. 22nd St., Bright Solutions
5121 Washington Ave., Bright Solutions
1221 N. 50th Terrace, Bright Solutions
6607 Wood Ave. Edwin Jones
1598 N. 86th St., Celeb Christopher

Transfers to the Land Bank:
Rehab new construction side lot – yard extension
1115 Kimball Ave.,
(This lot is next to a home that is currently being rehabbed in the Land Bank Rehab Program. The contractor is requesting the neighboring lot to build a driveway.)
1119R Kimball Ave., (This lot is unbuildable due to being landlocked. The request is to add this parcel to the current Land Bank rehab.)

Yard extension:
current home, 2822 Hiawatha St., (Request both neighboring Land Bank lots 2818 and 2826 Hiawatha St.)

The UG Commission also has scheduled a 5 p.m. special session Nov. 19, and on the agenda is the proposed legislative program with the delegation and the long-range financial plan.

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