UG Commission to consider budget moves Thursday

Commission poised to set a public hearing, pass a resolution exceeding the revenue neutral rate and set a maximum mill levy.

The Unified Government Commission is scheduled to consider a resolution exceeding the revenue neutral rate and setting a maximum mill levy on Thursday.

The commission also would set a public hearing at 7 p.m. Aug. 22 if it approves the proposed resolution.

As said by UG officials at earlier budget meetings, the UG Commission, once it sets a maximum mill levy, does not have to approve that higher amount at a later budget-setting meeting, but could lower it.

There has been discussion during budget meetings of the wishes of commissioners and the mayor to lower taxes and fees this year.

According to UG agenda documents, the revenue neutral rate for Kansas City, Kansas, has been calculated at 33.82 mills, and the revenue neutral rate for Wyandotte County has been calculated at 34.62 mills.

The proposed budget, according to the resolution, will require the UG Commission to levy a property tax rate exceeding the revenue neutral rate.

The proposed tax rate and maximum mill levy listed for Kansas City, Kansas, in the proposed resolution is 38.48 mills.

The proposed tax rate and maximum mill levy listed for Wyandotte County in the proposed resolution is 39.33 mills.

UG officials explained in earlier budget meetings that the property valuations in Wyandotte County had increased this year. Even if the mill levy rates were left at the same level as last year, the amount of revenue collected here would be more than last year.

Other items on Thursday’s UG Commission agenda include:

  • An update on the Human Resources assessment.
  • An update on UG organization assessment.
  • An update on grants and grant process.
  • An update on the county administrator search process.
  • A resolution establishing a sister city relationship with the city of Carmago, Mexico.
  • Permission to submit a 2023 victim services grant.
  • A public hearing on the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan, by the director of Community Development.
  • A resolution to set a public hearing date of Aug. 25 for creating a redevelopment district at 505 Central Ave.
  • A resolution to adopt procedures for redistricting the UG Commissioner districts.
  • A proclamation on the African American History Commission.
  • A proclamation on National Night Out on Aug. 2.

After the 7 p.m. meeting there will be an executive, closed session on personnel in the fifth floor meeting room of City Hall, according to an agenda notice.

The 7 p.m. meeting is in person at City Hall, Commission Chambers, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

It also will be on Zoom at

For more information about how to access the meeting, visit

One thought on “UG Commission to consider budget moves Thursday”

  1. Lower the d— taxes to where it makes a difference to the people not a bit here and there and then raise home values which does nothing for homeowners. Same s— different year.

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