UG Commission to consider bonds for U.S. Soccer training facility tonight

Bonds for the U.S. Soccer training facility near the Schlitterbahn are on tonight’s Unified Government Commission agenda.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 9, at the Commission Chambers, City Hall, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The commission is asked to approve bonds not to exceed $66,000,000 to finance costs of the project plan. The location of the improvements is near 98th between State Avenue and Parallel Parkway. The project was approved last year by the commission.

The UG is considering the issuance of sales tax special obligation (STAR) bonds.

According to information presented by Lew Levin, UG chief financial officer, at a UG committee meeting on Monday, July 6, there was a delay in moving forward with the financing attributed to the delayed action by the Kansas Legislature in determining its final state sales tax rate. The STAR bonds are based on a pledge of state sales tax.

Levin said the debt service on the bonds will be paid from future incremental STAR bond revenues.

During Monday night’s vote to move this item forward to the full UG Commission, Commissioner Jim Walters, senior principal of Populous architects, recused himself, because his firm is involved in the project. Commissioner Ann Murguia stated that although Robb Heineman, CEO of Sporting Club, serves on the board of directors of the Argentine Neighborhood Development Association, of which she is executive director, Murguia had received an ethics opinion from the ethics administrator that she should disclose any potential conflict, and she could then vote on it.

On another item, the commission also is scheduled to vote to split “project area 2” of this expanded STAR bond district at the Schlitterbahn property area into two parts. A public hearing would be set on Aug. 13 to consider this. According to UG information, the developer wants to proceed with the part of the project that has established commitments to take advantage of a favorable bond market condition. Project area 2 has an estimated $115 million capital investment.

The new project area 2A would include four automotive dealerships, a convenience store, and two restaurant sites on the west side of 98th street, according to UG documents. Project area 2B would include the remaining automotive dealerships, extended stay hotel, and two restaurant sites on the east side of 98th Street.

The four automotive dealerships in area 2A would be completed and opened for business by Dec. 31, 2016, with the nearby convenience and restaurant sites completed Dec. 31, 2017. The other auto dealerships in project area 2B would be completed and opened for business by Dec. 31, 2017, according to the proposed agreement.

Of a STAR bond issue of $100 million maximum, about $10 million would cover the UG’s costs for temporary notes it incurred in improving 98th Street, and to pay for costs of the S curve required by the Dairy Farmers of America transaction, according to the agreement. The rest of the $90 million would cover the cost of the developer’s project, according to documents. There would be two separate STAR bond issues.

As part of the agreement, SVV (Schlitterbahn Vacation Village) has agreed to complete entrance drive improvements at St. Patrick’s Church, across State Avenue from the waterpark, and new connecting drives to the medical plaza located to the west of St. Patrick’s, and close the existing Schlitterbahn entrance drive. Instead of starting these improvements by Sept. 15 of this year, this agreement would allow SVV to start by Dec. 31, 2016, as long as it closes the current Schlitterbahn entrance drive before Dec. 31, 2015, according to the agreement.

57th and State Redevelopment District
The UG Commission also is scheduled to vote on setting a public hearing on establishing a 57th and State Redevelopment TIF District. The district boundaries are 57th and Meadowlark Lane on the east, North 59th on the west, north of State Avenue on the north, and south of State Avenue on the south.

The area includes a lot of rough terrain area that might require considerable work for the project. Up to five years of grading the property would be expected, officials said, and there might be a cost of about $5 million if a third-party contractor were to do the work. The proposal is for the developer to do site preparation work first, before bringing forward any potential tenants.

Clifford Dale appeared at the July 6 committee meeting to describe the project.

If approved, a public hearing would be held at 7 p.m. Aug. 13.

Vending machines
A 90-day moratorium on enforcing a vending machine ordinance in Kansas City, Kan., is also on the agenda. The commission previously approved a 120-day moratorium. If the new moratorium is approved, enforcement might begin after Oct. 1. To see a previous story, visit

Electronic cigarettes
Additional changes have been proposed to an ordinance to prohibit electronic cigarette usage in areas that are smoke-free. Some changes were made to comply with a state law. See previous stories, and

Marathon runs

Changes to an ordinance have been proposed to coordinate marathon runs and deal with the increase in UG staffing required from the Police Department. See previous story,

Short-span bridge replacement
Also on the agenda is a resolution authorizing a survey of land to be acquired for a short-span bridge replacement project near 2600 N. 131st. It will widen an existing structure.

Special meeting for administrator’s report
The UG Commission also is scheduled to meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 9, in the fifth floor conference room, Suite 515, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan. The administrator’s quarterly report will be presented. After the report, there will be a closed executive meeting in the ninth floor conference room regarding labor.