UG Commission to consider bonds for projects, amendments to agreements at Thursday meeting

The Dec. 12 Unified Government Commission agenda includes some small changes to existing agreements for the Foodie Park development and the Hilton Gardens Inn renovation.

The KC Foodie Park development is requesting three more months to close on the first phase of the project, according to a Dec. 2 UG committee meeting. The developer stated that there were some delays in the project’s timeline from the earlier UG approval process.

The Hilton Gardens renovation price tag is going from $4 million to $5.5 million, according to a discussion at the Dec. 2 committee meeting. The UG will not be responsible for paying the bonds, according to officials.

Also on the agenda is a bond sale to pay for major improvements throughout the next year, and revisions to the UG cash and investment policy. The changes are minor to the cash and investment policy, a UG committee was told on Dec. 2.

In addition, a wastewater agreement between the UG and Bonner Springs, for the Bonner Springs Crossing development at 118th and State Avenue area, southwest corner, also is on the agenda, as well as Land Bank items.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12, in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

Items on the agenda:

• An extension of time for the KC Foodie Park development agreement, extending the closing date for the first phase from Dec. 31 to March 31.

• Approving an amendment to a bond ordinance for industrial revenue bonds for the Hilton Garden Inn renovation project. The UG is not responsible for repayment of the bonds.

• Sale of temporary notes, general obligation bonds and Public Building Commission revenue bonds of more than $137 million. A long list of projects that will be completed through these bonds is on the UG agenda. The projects include road improvements, repairs, bridge work, a fire station on Hutton Road, river bank stabilization, levee and flood control projects, stormwater and sewer improvements, plus many other projects. The juvenile justice center is one of the projects on the PBC list.

• The revised UG cash and investments policy. The changes were discussed at the Dec. 2 Economic Development and Finance Committee meeting.

• A wastewater connection agreement between the UG and Bonner Springs, allowing a connection at the southwest corner of State Avenue and 118th in Bonner Springs to the UG wastewater system. According to the agreement, Bonner Springs will pay rates to the UG for the wastewater service.

• A plat of the University Rosedale Addition, 4th plat, at Southwest Boulevard and Eaton Street, being developed by Christine Polo, also is on the agenda.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda are Land Bank items:
• 4011 S. Minnie St., Pillar KC, application, new single family construction.
• 950 R S. 25th St., transfer from the Land Bank, Kaw Valley Drainage District. This parcel will give the district better access to a new maintenance building that it will move because of the Kaw River Levee project.
• 520 Everett Ave., transfer to the Land Bank, city of Kansas City, Kansas. If approved, the Land Bank will enter into an option agreement with the existing developer in the Turtle Hill area.
• 2831 N. 26th St., Joan Baumann, vacant lot, donation to land bank.
• 2418 N. 11th St., Gwendolyn Sharpe, vacant lot.
• 1302 S. 38th St., C.R. Lee Jr., vacant lot.
• 3520 Delavan Ave., A. Porter Gaitan, improvement.

Also at the 7 p.m. meeting, Wyandotte County Election Commissioner Bruce Newby has been reappointed to his office and is scheduled to be sworn in by Secretary of State Scott Schwab.

Before the regular commission meeting Thursday, the UG Commission will meet in a special session at 5 p.m. Dec. 12 in the fifth floor meeting room at City Hall to discuss the capital maintenance improvement projects major capital evaluation criteria.

In addition, the UG Public Building Commission will meet in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, immediately following the 7 p.m. Dec. 12 UG Commission meeting. The PBC will consider a resolution for the staff to proceed with the sale of PBC bonds to fund the new juvenile justice facility and surface parking in downtown Kansas City, Kansas; to fund improvements to the existing courthouse and adult jail; and to fund improvements in the existing Health Department facility.