UG Commission moves projects forward

The Unified Government Commission moved several projects forward at Thursday night’s meeting.

Several projects moved forward on an 8-0 vote, including an Argentine fast-food project. The commission set a public hearing date for the Argentine fast-food project of June 15 for the $3.3 million project. Commissioner Ann Brandau Murguia, who has been advocating for the development, left the board when the item was considered and did not vote on it.

The commission voted 8-1, with Commissioner Mike Kane voting no, to authorize a survey of the Leavenworth Road project, which would include land for underground utilities between 38th and 63rd streets. Eminent domain could be used for the right-of-way.

The underground utilities were an issue earlier. Commissioner Kane said spending millions on putting power lines below ground was the “wrong way to spend money,” especially when they are trying to find money for police cameras, vehicles and to repair or construct new fire stations.

Commissioner Melissa Bynum pointed out the resolution did not deal with funding, but just the ability to acquire property, regardless of whether utility lines are above or below ground.

In another project, the commission approved, on an 8-1 vote, a public hearing to take a portion of Holliday Drive from the Kansas City, Kansas, boundaries, which would allow it later to be annexed by Lake Quivira city. Three parcels of land would be taken out of Kansas City, Kansas, boundaries, and the road running through them would be excluded, under this proposal.

On a 9-0 vote, the commission set a public hearing of June 15 for amendments to the Village East STAR bond districts. The area is generally east of I-435, between Parallel Parkway and State Avenue, and were formerly part of the Schlitterbahn property.

An item concerning the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area of 18th to I-70, Central Avenue to Grandview Boulevard, was removed from Thursday’s agenda. It was part of the UG’s SOAR program to reduce blight.

Also approved Thursday night were several Land Bank items.