UG Commission approves climate change resolution

The Unified Government Commission voted unanimously on Thursday night to approve a climate change resolution.

The resolution says the UG supports a clean energy economy and healthy planet created by increasing investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, and by building and strengthening relationships to protect the planet from hazards created by climate change.

This action follows President Donald Trump’s announcement that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.

More than 290 local governments, representing millions of Americans, have now committed to the goals of the Paris agreement.

Commissioner Hal Walker said he initiated this UG effort that the UG reaffirm its commitment to the purpose of the Paris accords, with other cities and counties.

He said the resolution doesn’t obligate the UG to do anything other than use its best efforts to use clean chemicals.

“Even if you don’t believe in climate change, what’s wrong with not polluting the environment?” he asked.

Commissioner Walker said although some believe that exiting the Paris agreement will put coal workers back to work, it’s his belief that politics didn’t put coal out of business, gas put coal out of business.

The resolution passed 9-0, and Mayor Mark Holland said he was in agreement with it, as well.

2 thoughts on “UG Commission approves climate change resolution”

  1. If you want to fight climate change, you have to fight cars. This requires a new technology which is available right now. It is a multi mission Wind Turbine/Electric Vehicle/Power Storage device. For more information you may refer to “WO2016073636” on WIPO website.

  2. Science is never allowed to say proven even for a climate change end of the world? Are they also only 99% sure the planet isn’t flat?
    36 more years of “could be” the end of the world will make CO2=Y2Kx1984/0

    The price you evil climate blamers will pay for your fear mongering will be in your own children’s history books.
    Even Bush didn’t threaten the lives of billions of innocent children with CO2 death threats.
    Shame on all of you.

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