UG announces department realignments; CFO leaving

The Unified Government interim administrator announced in a news release Friday evening that departments had been realigned and that the UG’s chief financial officer is leaving.

According to the UG news release, Cheryl Harrison-Lee, interim administrator, will follow recommendations made to the UG Commission in July 2022.

The new structure includes the appointment of a new interim assistant county administrator, Becky Berger, to provide oversight to administrative services.

Other assistant county administrators are Bridgett Cobbins, assistant county administrator of public safety; Alan Howze, assistant county administrator of health and human services; and Brett Deichler, interim assistant county administrator of economic and community development.

According to the news release, the Purchasing Department will now report to the Finance Department, which was an issue identified by the consultants after a review in July 2022.

The budget and strategy team will report directly to Berger, allowing the UG to more closely align the management of expenditures with revenue projections, according to the news release. Currently these are separate functions within the Finance Department.

According to the news release, throughout this year’s budget process, the commission has been learning about the $4 million structural deficit in the city side of the general fund. The news release stated that the deficit needs to be rectified for long-term fiscal health and competitiveness.

With inflation and rising costs, and relatively stagnant revenue, the UG administration hopes to identify a more fiscally sustainable model for the future, and elevating budget and strategy will be the key, the news release stated.

Berger is the newest addition to the county administration team with the announcement of her interim appointment, the news release stated.

Berger, who joined the UG in January 2022 as treasurer and director of revenue, will provide oversight to all administrative functions of the Unified Government, including human resources, clerk’s office, 311, budget strategy and research, finance, and the appraiser’s office. Berger brings 15 years of experience in local government management, including serving as the city manager and director of finance for the city of Atchison. By bringing all internal services together under one manager, the Unified Government will be able to continue its work to address areas for improvement in human resources, finances and general operations, the news release stated.

“We must be internally organized before we can be externally focused,” Harrison-Lee said. “This is one of many efforts moving forward to look at how we work as the Unified Government to ensure that we can deliver quality customer service. I believe this team will be instrumental in helping us identify additional opportunities for cost savings, innovative best practices, and other improvements in how we work.”

Chief Financial Officer Kathleen VonAchen announced her plans to leave the Unified Government. She will work closely with the interim county administrator to facilitate the transition for the Finance Department, according to the news release.

According to the news release, there has not been a comprehensive assessment of the UG’s operations since the unification of the city and county 25 years ago.