UG administrator installed

Unified Government Administrator Doug Bach, installed at a meeting May 15, pointed to growth of Wyandotte County during the past several years and pledged to continue it.
“I know you expect growth to continue, not just in areas it already has, but all over the community,” he said.
“The future of Wyandotte County  is bright and our community is one that has faced serious challenges and has rebuilt itself. We have become the tourism capital of Kansas, and our region,” he said.
“We have become an economic engine that keeps the Kansas economy running,. and I am asked regularly how does Wyandotte County continue with all these successes. The answer is simple, citizens who are committed to their community and the elected leaders who are dedicated to improving the quality of life from north to south and east to west,” Bach said.
He cited several new projects in the community, including the downtown healthy campus, and also thanked commissioners, employees, family and residents.

After the installation, the UG Commission discussed Community Development Block Grant funding, and appointed a committee that will look into targeting the funding to be used in tandem with economic development efforts.