Two UG committees to meet tonight

Two Unified Government committees, the Public Works and Safety Committee, and the Administration and Human Services Committee, are scheduled to meet beginning at 5 p.m. tonight.

On the Public Works and Safety agenda is a responsible bidder amendment to an ordinance that would allow the UG to adopt a standard operating procedure requiring OSHA-10 certification and a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program for some construction contracts. It is intended to increase safety.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department is requesting to apply for an Economic Development Administration grant for a public safety training facility.

Also on the agenda is a request to create a grant-funded program coordinator position in the Police Department’s Victim Services Unit.

Also scheduled is an overview about the imporvements for the levee trail system, including a trail head park on each side of the Rock Island Bridge.

A public works quarterly report also is scheduled at the PWS Committee meeting.

The UG Administration and Human Services meeting will follow the PWS meeting.

The agenda includes a district court update by Judge William Burns.

Also scheduled is consideration of a resolution to amend the meeting time schedules for UG committees and the UG Commission.

Also scheduled is a request to reallocate returned or unused Emergency Services Grant funds to assist in establishing temporary shelters.

Under consideration will be a resolution to accept federal funds for homelessness assistance and supportive services, and enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Also on the Administration and Human Services agenda is a request from Mt. Carmel Redevelopment Corp. to revise its budget. It manages the Willa Gill Center, providing services to address housing and food insecurity. The corporation receives a $260,000 grant from Community Development Block Grant and general funds each year. With increased costs, it is asking for an increase in the 2022 budget.

The meetings will be on Zoom. For information about how to connect to the meetings by internet or by telephone, visit