Two UG committee meetings tonight

Two Unified Government committee meetings are scheduled tonight.

The UG Public Works and Safety Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15, followed by the UG Administration and Human Services Committee after the PWS Committee is over.

The PWS Committee will consider a resolution authorizing a cooperative agreement between Bonner Springs, Edwardsville and the UG establishing the UG communications center as the public safety answering point and creating an advisory committee.

The Armourdale Industrial District Pump Station is on the PWS agenda. A resolution would declare it is a necessary project and would authorize a survey of land for the project. A few additional buildings may need to be installed near the existing building, according to agenda information. The pump station location is listed as 300 N. 4th St., west of the Kansas River, east of I-70 and north of Central Avenue.

Also at the PWS meeting, a presentation is scheduled on open burning.

Additionally, the 2022 Capital Maintenance and Improvement Plan projects and the selection process will be discussed.

There is also an update scheduled on mowing services on county-owned land.

Added to tonight’s Administration and Human Services Committee agenda is a resolution that would result in the assignment of the Unified Government’s opioid litigation claims to the Kansas attorney general.

Also on the AHS agenda is an agreement between the UG and the Credit and Homeownership Empowerment Services Inc. (CHES) to support the Bank On program, promoting financial stability through access to banking accounts.

Also on the agenda is a request to conduct a public hearing on Nov. 18 to complete the closeout of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The hearing is required by the state.

Also on the agenda is a presentation on the Wyandotte County Museum by Amy Loch, museum manager.

The committee meetings will be shown on Zoom at

The passcode is 629319.

The meetings also are accessible by telephone, toll free at 877-853-5257. The webinar ID is 861 4548 0513.

The meetings also are expected to be shown on UGTV cable television, and also on YouTube.

For more information about how to comment at a meeting, visit