Turner, Bonner Springs open high school football season

Bonner Springs junior wide receiver Jamison Jackson ran a passing route in the first quarter of the game against Turner High School on Sept. 2. (Photo by Brian Turrel)
Bonner Springs junior wide receiver Jamison Jackson ran a passing route in the first quarter of the game against Turner High School on Sept. 2. (Photo by Brian Turrel)

Bonner Springs senior running back Tobias Womack (24) cut back against the defense on his way to scoring a touchdown in the second quarter of the game. (Photo by Brian Turrel)
Bonner Springs senior running back Tobias Womack (24) cut back against the defense on his way to scoring a touchdown in the second quarter of the game. (Photo by Brian Turrel)

Bonner Springs senior running back Tobias Womack (24) broke a tackle to score his second touchdown of the second quarter. (Photo by Brian Turrel)
Bonner Springs senior running back Tobias Womack (24) broke a tackle to score his second touchdown of the second quarter. (Photo by Brian Turrel)

Turner senior wide receiver Jordan Martin (8) made a touchdown-saving tackle on Bonner Springs junior defensive back Alonzo Hokes (20) following Hokes' interception in the third quarter. (Photo by Brian Turrel)
Turner senior wide receiver Jordan Martin (8) made a touchdown-saving tackle on Bonner Springs junior defensive back Alonzo Hokes (20) following Hokes’ interception in the third quarter. (Photo by Brian Turrel)