Trash service, many other items to be discussed at UG Committee meetings tonight

Among the items on tonight’s Unified Government Committee meeting are an update on trash service and an update on the progress of the Piper fire station. There are lengthy agendas for the committee meetings.

The UG Public Works and Safety committee will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27, in the fifth floor conference room at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

That meeting will be followed by the Administration and Human Service Committee meeting in the fifth floor conference room, City Hall.

Other items on the UG Public Works and Safety Committee meeting tonight include:

• An agreement with the Fairfax Drainage District for the joint use of sewer infrastructure.

• A resolution authorizing a survey of land necessary to construct, maintain, operate, use and repair a new BPU distribution substation at 4417 Speaker Road.

• A resolution authorizing a survey of land necessary to construct, maintain, operate, use and repair a new BPU distribution substation at 4401 Everett Ave.

• A resolution to authorize a survey of land necessary to construct, maintain, operate, use and repair the Piper Creek Regional Improvements, Phase 1.

• A resolution to loan 40 Luxfer SCBA airpacks to Kansas City Kansas Community College and to donate 200 MSA airpacks and a Bauer compressor to the government of Uruapan, Michaocan, Mexico.

• Approval to apply for and accept an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant for $104,142, for the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department. No matching funds are required.

• A presentation on the removal and decommission of the 18th Street bridge No. 210 because of its unsafe status.

On the agenda for the Administration and Human Service Committee, following the Public Works and Safety committee meeting:

• Proposed revisions to the transient guest tax charter ordinance. There are changes concerning the downtown Kansas City, Kansas, hotel.

• Proposal for the UG to approve a grant application from the UG Health Department and Planning Department for a CDC Reach for Healthy Spaces, Healthy Places grant. The UG would be a subgrantor of the Kansas University Center for Research grant, proposed to be $130,000 in the first year, and continuing over five years. The goal would be to reduce or prevent chronic disease.

• Approval of a grant application from the Health Department for a two-year Sexual Health Adolescent Relationship Program. The grant of $200,000 would be through the Healthcare Foundation of Greater Kansas City. The purpose of the grant would be to decrease sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and teen pregnancy rates.

• A request to expand the service area for the Community Housing Improvement Program (C.H.I.P.) Down Payment Assistance program funded with Home Investment Partnership Program (H.O.M.E.) funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Development.

• An update on the Park Drive neighborhood revitalization strategy area plan.