Town hall meeting planned Tuesday night for 8th District

A town hall meeting for the Unified Government Commission, 8th District, will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, at the Eisenhower Recreation Center, 2901 N. 72nd St., Kansas City, Kansas.

Light refreshments will be from 6 to 6:30 p.m.

The meeting is sponsored by UG Commissioner Jane Philbrook. Those attending will hear updates from Commissioner Philbrook and some of the UG staff. This meeting is not devoted to the Indian Springs proposal.

One thought on “Town hall meeting planned Tuesday night for 8th District”

  1. It is my intention to ensure that there is no vote … at all on the Indian Springs issue on April 27th. The issues needs to be tabled until a true community Forum is held to assess what the proposal for that property should look like.

    There has been too much boondoggle in regards to this entire issue, surrounding the previous eminent domain stealing of Indian Springs from its rightful owner, to this attempt to steal it once again from the people of this community whose tax dollars paid for it. This entire issue needs to be removed from the agenda since a large consensus of constituents have made it perfectly clear, that this goes against what we believe is best for our community interest.

    The commissioners have legal and ethical obligations to vote the will of the people. Our leadership in Wyandotte County … has forgotten that. They are voting and answering to their own personal special interests and lobbies. They are creating monopolies and an atmosphere completely devoid of representation for the taxation of the people of this community. The anger is real! What we see happening on the streets in criminal behavior is a mirror of what is happening at City Hall, a shadow of how this community is managed. We have been robbed and stripped of our confidence and we are now standing together as a community to say,

    No more! #NoMore
    No more private auctions,
    no more private sells and
    no more back door deals.

    Our taxes are too high! Our BPU is too high!
    Nobody is listening!

    All efforts need to reflect an attempt to lower that burden on this community that is so overwhelmingly taxed, while under-whelmingly heard and served.

    We need our leadership to act on our behalf “bigly,” to get our taxes and BPU lowered and provide opportunities for our youth and community. We need this now! That is all!

    I will fight like a cat to ensure that this community stops getting screwed by our “so-called leaders.” So far, some have been in my face, threatening, even getting physical to the point that people are concerned for my well being.

    Listen … I am not afraid! They are. They want to fight a woman? Wow…I will keep encouraging my community to wake up and stand up! I will keep telling us that we have power to change things for ourselves … Because when this community stands up strong against the things that they have been getting away with for the last 25 years.
    We will win!

    Somebody ought to go to jail!
    We have been robbed!

    Janice (Grant) Witt, Vote Aug. 1, 2017

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