Three Kansas auto dealerships fined for violating consumer protection law

Three Kansas auto dealerships have been fined for violating the Kansas Consumer Protection Act by using prize-notification mailings that did not comply with state law, Attorney General Derek Schmidt said.

Lewis Auto Plaza, Inc., of Topeka; Lewis Automotive Group, Inc., of Hays; and Womack Sunshine Ford, Inc., of Concordia, were each fined for violating the prize notification statute.

The three consent judgments were approved by judges in their district courts this month. The defendants were also permanently enjoined from future violations of the law and ordered to pay the attorney general’s investigation costs.

Schmidt accused the three defendants of mailing to consumers “prize notification” fliers that did not comply with Kansas law. The prize notifications failed to disclose to consumers the value of the prize and the odds of winning in immediate proximity to the prize listing in the manner required by law.

Tips on staying safe from mail order scams are available on the attorney general’s consumer protection website at Copies of the consumer-protection judgments are available at