Teen challenger leads by five votes in 37th District

More votes have come in for the 37th District, state representative, contest, where teen challenger Aaron Coleman was leading by one vote over veteran legislator Rep. Stan Frownfelter on election night. Coleman now leads by five votes.

The vote total was 807 for Coleman to 802 for Rep. Frownfelter as of late Friday, according to the election office’s website, as an additional 74 votes were added. On Tuesday, election night, Coleman was ahead by one vote, 768 to 767.

Mail ballots that were postmarked by Tuesday could arrive by Friday in this contest to be counted. The vote canvass on Aug. 17 will be the next step in counting the ballots.

Rep. Frownfelter said there were hundreds of provisional ballots in the county that also could be considered by the Board of Canvassers on Aug. 17, although he how many of the ballots were in the 37th District.In past years, large numbers of provisional ballots came from people who did such things as not signing t back of the envelope for the mail ballot, or going to the wrong polling place on Election Day. The election office has called voters in the past to look into the provisional ballots.

To see past stories about the 37th District contest, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/election-night-totals-shocking-to-rep-frownfelter/ and https://wyandotteonline.com/19-year-old-turner-resident-leads-by-one-vote-over-veteran-lawmaker/.