UG administrator search committee plans to have its members sign nondisclosure agreements

The Unified Government administrator search committee is planning to have its members sign nondisclosure agreements.

Bill Johnson, Board of Public Utilities general manager and co-chair of the search committee, told the BPU members at a meeting on Aug. 17 that the search committee was planning to have nondisclosure agreements on Aug. 18.

He told the BPU board he would probably not be able to make any more reports to them about the search committee in the future.

Johnson said he is hoping that before the end of the year, two to three recommendations will be made on prospective UG administrators. The recommendations would go to the mayor’s office and commission, and interviews would be conducted with the job candidates.

The Unified Government County Administrator Search Committee is scheduled to meet at 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 18, at City Hall, fifth floor conference room, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

According to a meeting notice, the meeting will be conducted in person.

The committee has had been preliminary meetings with SGR, the search firm that has been selected, according to information presented at the Aug. 11 UG Commission meeting. SGR is a Texas search firm.

Each UG commissioner has been asked to appoint a representative to sit on the committee, along with an alternate, according to committee officials.

The committee is sending out surveys to major stakeholders, residents and employees, according to the committee officials.

The chair and co-chair of the search committee are Jeff Harrington, mayor of Bonner Springs; and Bill Johnson, general manager of the Board of Public Utilities.