Kansas delegation denounces Russian ‘tyrant,’ urges support of Ukrainians

by Tim Carpenter, Kansas Reflector

Topeka — Members of the Kansas congressional delegation found unanimity in denouncing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanding imposition of the strongest available economic sanctions in reprisal.

U.S. House and U.S. Senate members from Kansas shared views on how President Joe Biden or Congress ought to respond to the invasion ordered by President Vladimir Putin of Russia. In statements, however, none echoed former President Donald Trump’s praise of Putin’s intellect or an assertion by former Kansas U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo that Putin was an “elegantly sophisticated counterpart.”

U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, a Republican, said the greatest breach of peace in Europe in nearly 80 years required NATO to demonstrate “strength and resolve” and for Biden to provide more defensive aid to Ukrainian allies. He said the United States needed to continue pursuit of economic penalties against Russia.

The U.S. Senate should develop a comprehensive and bipartisan package of sanctions against Russia in response to Putin’s “unprovoked invasion” of Ukraine, said GOP U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran.

“It is essential to demonstrate to the American public and the world that the Senate can work expeditiously and in a bipartisan manner to address matters of global security,” Moran said.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, who serves the 3rd District in the Kansas City, Kansas, area, said the United States had to make clear Russia couldn’t intimidate or invade allies or partner countries without consequence. She said Putin must be held responsible for “unjustified and unacceptable aggression.”

Amanda Adkins, who is seeking the GOP nomination in the 3rd District, said Biden “showed weakness in the midst of difficulty” in the presidential role of preserving economic and national security interests of the United States and strategic partners in Europe.

U.S. Rep. Ron Estes, a Republican who serves the 4th District around Wichita, said Putin was a tyrant who unleased military forces on a sovereign nation for “personal gain without regard to loss of life or even the will of his own people.”

“There must be consequences for such a reckless and dangerous action. President Biden should take a strong stance against this invasion of an independent nation,” Estes said.

U.S. Rep. Jake LaTurner, the GOP representative of the 2nd District in eastern Kansas, said innocent people of Ukraine had to be defended and “Putin and his thugs” should be held accountable. He said Biden ought to dramatically increase domestic energy production to offset instability in the world market.

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