Disaster emergency declared in Kansas because of extreme cold weather

Residents asked to conserve energy

Gov. Laura Kelly issued a state of disaster emergency at 4:40 p.m. Sunday because of wind chill warnings and stress on utility and natural gas providers.

The state has experienced bitter winter temperatures and below zero wind chills for more than a week, putting stress on utility and natural gas providers across the state, according to the governor’s news release.

The declaration authorizes the use of state resources and personnel to assist with response and recovery operations in affected counties that meet certain criteria, according to the news release.

“As the extreme cold temperatures continue to affect the region, we are urging Kansans to conserve energy in order to help ensure a continued supply of natural gas and electricity and keep their own personal costs down,” Gov. Kelly said in the news release.

Two natural gas companies that operate in Wyandotte County, Kansas Gas Service and Atmos Energy, are encouraging customers to use less natural gas while temperatures are freezing, and have tips online on how to do so.

Kansas Gas Service stated on its internet page that it is seeing much higher natural gas use and a significant surge in natural gas prices. This will have an effect on customer’s bills, according to Kansas Gas Service.

Atmos stated on its web page that industrial customers that have been asked to curtail their natural gas usage were urged to comply, and everyone could help by taking small steps to support the community.

The Kansas Gas Service information on the severe cold and conserving natural gas is at https://www.kansasgasservice.com/customer-awareness/severe-cold. The Atmos Energy information is at https://www.atmosenergy.com/safety/weather-safety.

Because of the sub-zero temperatures that cause an increased energy demand and natural gas supply constraints, utilities are currently experiencing wholesale natural gas prices anywhere from 10 to 100 times higher than normal, according to Gov. Kelly’s news release. Those costs will eventually flow through to consumers, and increase monthly natural gas and electric bills.

Customers can keep these costs down by reducing their natural gas and electric usage at this critical time.

Here are some things each household can do to help in the conservation effort and slow down the increases in energy bills due to high usage, according to the governor’s news release:

• Keep warm, not hot. When possible wear additional layers of clothing, consider turning down your thermostat and check your programmable settings.

• Seal leaks around doors and windows. Apply weather stripping or caulk to seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors to stop air leaks and prevent energy loss. If that is not an option, you can also cover windows with towels, sheets or plastic to help keep the warm air in your house.

• Reduce the temperature on your water heater. Set the temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or put it on the “warm” setting. If your home will be vacant for two days or more, set the dial to the pilot position for even more savings.

• Close blinds and curtains. This helps keep warm air inside, especially if the sun is not shining.

• Change or clean filters. A clean filter on your furnace can lower your energy consumption by 5 to 15 percent. Dirty filters cost more to use and overwork the equipment.

• Hold off on doing chores. Doing laundry and washing dishes can both use natural gas to heat the water and your dryer. If you can, wait until the extreme cold weather passes to complete these activities. If you cannot wait, use the cold setting where possible.

• Install foam gaskets on electrical switches and outlets. Electrical switches and outlets can account for up to 10 percent of your home’s energy loss.