Police to begin towing vehicles with expired tags more than 45 days past due on May 1

Beginning on Saturday, May 1, the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department will begin towing any vehicles displaying tags that are more than 45 days past their renewal date.

Last March, in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-66, extending the deadline for vehicle renewals and new vehicle registrations. An additional extension in September specified that all vehicle renewals and new registrations needed to be completed by Dec. 31, 2020.

“The Kansas City, Kansas Police Department understands that while the extensions were very helpful, they may have caused some confusion for members of our community,” Major Kelly Herron, assistant chief, said in a news release Friday. “For that reason, we made the decision to delay towing orders in Kansas City, Kansas, until May 1 to allow us time to educate the community on the consequences of expired tags.”

After May 1, officers with the KCKPD can, and will cite any individual driving a vehicle with tags whose renewal or registration is 45 days past due and order its immediate towing, according to police.

Additionally, any vehicle parked on a city street with tags or registration 45 days past due, will also be subject to immediate towing.

Owners are then responsible for all fees associated with towing ($125) and storage of the vehicle ($35 a day), a police spokesman stated. Vehicles will only be released once owners present proof of current registration to the towing company.

“Delaying renewal or registration any longer means you could end up with a hefty bill as fees add up quickly,” Herron said. “We really hate to see that happen, but we are well past the governor’s deadline and still have many vehicles out there driving around with tags that are more than six months past due, and equally concerning, without proper insurance. So our plea to the community is act now so that we don’t have to tow you later – nobody wants that.”

Below are the ways in which tags may currently be renewed:
• on your cell phone with the myWYCO app.
• online at mywyco.wycokck.org.
• by placing renewal documents and payment in the drop-off box located outside the Wyandotte County Annex, 8200 State Ave.
• by mailing renewal documents and payment to 710 N 7th St., Suite
240, Kansas City, KS 66101.

If mailing, be sure to include a copy of insurance and note your license plate number in the check notation

To determine if you can drop off or mail in titling on a new vehicle, complete the online eligibility form at wycokck.org/Auto. If eligible you need to send the original signed title, copy of insurance, copy of your valid driver’s license and the vehicle inspection certificate (if purchased outside Kansas). Additional documentation may be required.

For more information, or if you have questions, visit wycokck.org/Auto or email the Wyandotte County Treasurer’s Office at [email protected] with questions.