‘Americans always rebuild’: Biden promotes infrastructure investments in Kansas City speech

by Allison Kite, Kansas Reflector

Kansas City, Missouri — President Joe Biden on Wednesday visited the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority to tout the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill he signed into law last month, expected to bring billions in spending on roads and bridges, clean water, public transportation, high speed internet and more to Kansas and Missouri.

The president said investments amount to a “blue collar blueprint” for rebuilding the country, providing more good-paying jobs and economic opportunities.

For the better part of the 20th century, the United States became a global leader through “our willingness to invest in ourselves,” he said citing the space race and the federal highway system. Now, he said, China and the rest of the world are catching up and moving beyond.

Running through Biden’s speech was a thread of frustration at the state of the nation’s infrastructure and the difficulties faced by those who struggle to afford prescription drugs or access the internet, implying the nation should be doing far better.

“We never break. We never stop. We Americans always rebuild, and we will rebuild this country,” Biden said.

The president also paid tribute to former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole, the Russell, Kansas, native who died Sunday at 98.

“Bob Dole was an American giant, a man of extraordinary courage, both physical and moral courage, a war hero who sacrificed beyond measure, who nearly gave his life for our country in World War II, among the greatest of the great generation, a leader of honesty, decency and good humor.”

The visit marks Biden’s first trip to the Kansas City area since assuming office. First Lady Jill Biden visited Kansas City, Kansas, earlier this year.

The far-flung city of more than half a million people has struggled to keep up with the infrastructure needs across its 300 square miles. For years, residents’ water bills rose by double digits every year to fund a federally mandated upgrade to keep the city’s wastewater from overflowing. The city renegotiated that mandate with the Environmental Protection Agency earlier this year.

Kansas City’s iconic Buck O’Neil Bridge has long needed replacing and had to be rehabilitated in 2018 while it awaited funding for replacement. The state owned bridge is now being rebuilt at the cost of $250 million, half of which the city contributed through a sales tax increase. Missouri’s highways are notoriously troublesome with more than $4.5 billion in unfunded needs. The Missouri General Assembly this spring increased sales tax on gasoline for the first time in almost 30 years.

Missouri’s highways are notoriously troublesome with more than $4.5 billion in unfunded needs. The Missouri General Assembly this spring increased sales tax on gasoline for the first time in almost 30 years.

Under the legislation, Kansas is expected to get $2.6 billion in highway funds and $225 million for bridges over five years. Missouri is expected to receive $6.5 billion and $484 million for those investments.

The bill also allocates $866 million to Missouri and $454 million to Kansas to eradicate lead from drinking water systems and update infrastructure. The two states have enormous numbers of lead service lines carrying water from mains into residents’ homes. And Kansas and Missouri children suffer at high rates from elevated blood levels.

A study published in September found more than 80% of children in Missouri and 60% in Kansas have some amount of lead in their blood. In Missouri, 4.5% of kids had elevated levels of blood lead — more than 5 micrograms per deciliter. In Kansas, that was 2.6%, putting both states above the 1.9% national average.

And both states would get hundreds of millions to expand broadband service to disconnected rural areas and low-income families that can’t afford internet access.

Biden said no parent in 21st century America should have to sit in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant to use the internet, like many did during the pandemic.

“This is the United States of America, for God’s sake,” Biden said.

Biden said the bill also marked the largest investment in passenger railways in the United States for 50 years, joking about his own affinity for riding the train from Washington to Delaware.

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, a Democrat who represents the Kansas side of the Kansas City area, said she was excited by the billions of dollars that would flow into the region through infrastructure investments. She said residents can feel the economic impact of decades of underinvestment in infrastructure.

“From bridges to broadband, we’re continuing to create opportunities, because that’s what this is about,” Davids said.

Davids joined Biden on a tour of the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, along with Democratic U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, and Kansas City, Missouri, Mayor Quinton Lucas. Biden met with transportation officials and union workers before speaking.

The federal infrastructure bill includes $89 billion for local transit projects over the next five years, with $5.6 billion earmarked for low- or zero-emission vehicles.

In 2020, Kansas City, Missouri, became the first major American city to eliminate fares for public transportation. The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority operates 78 bus routes across state lines, serving 14 million riders annually. The fleet includes four battery-powered buses, and only zero-emission buses will be added.

Lucas said his mother was one of many Kansas City residents who relied on the Kansas City bus system when he was a child. Investing in infrastructure, Lucas said, isn’t about objects — it’s about people.

“The country’s eyes are on us, and we will continue to showcase what it means to be a city committed to equitable service delivery and committed to working for all folks in all neighborhoods,” Lucas said.

Kansas City also has a free downtown streetcar that will be extended to the University of Missouri-Kansas City in the coming years. The Federal Transit Administration provided a $174 million grant to extend the service by 3.5 miles south to the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus.

Throughout Biden’s speech, he stopped to emphasize that the infrastructure bill would create new union jobs, saying unions built the country’s middle class.

The time for losing, he said, was “over, over, over, over.”

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See more at https://kansasreflector.com/2021/12/08/americans-always-rebuild-biden-promotes-infrastructure-investments-in-kansas-city-speech/.

Davids says bipartisan infrastructure bill will bring billions to Kansas, create millions of jobs

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids spoke at a news conference about the passage of the historic bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Today, U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., the vice chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, joined Kansas Secretary of Transportation Julie Lorenz and dozens of local leaders to celebrate passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which is expected to bring $3.8 billion to Kansas for infrastructure needs from roads and bridges to high-speed internet and public transit.

The Davids-backed bipartisan infrastructure bill passed into law last week marks the largest investment in America’s physical infrastructure in generations, creating an estimated 2 million jobs a year for the next decade.

The bill is paid for through a combination of new revenues and savings and has been called the most fiscally responsible infrastructure bill in at least a decade by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Among its provisions for Kansas include:

• $2.6 billion for highways
• $225 million for bridge replacement and repairs
• $272 million to improve public transportation options
• a minimum of $100 million to help provide broadband coverage
• access to $3.5 billion flood mitigation assistance program
• $454 million to improve water infrastructure and ensure clean drinking water across the state
• $109 million for airports

“I’ve been working towards this for a while, and I’m proud to say that we passed historic, bipartisan infrastructure legislation that’s going to create good-paying jobs, make strides against climate change, and set the foundation for long-term growth here in the Kansas Third,” Rep. Davids said. “I’m not stopping there—I’m going to keep pushing to bring new investments to projects across our region, like U.S. 69 and the KCATA electric bus expansion, just like I worked to bring this bill across the finish line.”

“By working with Kansans, we will make our roads safer, drive down transportation costs for people and goods and generate economic growth all across Kansas,” said Kansas Department of Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz. “I want to thank Rep. Davids for supporting the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which combined with our IKE program, will allow us to deliver the game-changing results Kansans deserve.”

The news conference in Overland Park was attended by members of the local labor community, business leaders, climate advocates, and elected officials —all applauding Davids’ work to pass this much-needed infrastructure legislation and joining the group of more than a dozen Kansas City-area leaders who backed the bill prior to its passage.

Unified Government District 5 Commissioner and LiUNA Local 1290 Public Affairs Director Mike Kane and Overland Park Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President of Public Policy Kevin Walker joined Davids and Secretary Lorenz to speak.

Additionally, today’s event followed the first installment of Davids’ “State of Our Systems” report series on the most pressing infrastructure needs in the 3rd District, which examined bridges. The report noted that 6 of the top 10 most-travelled structurally deficient bridges in Kansas are in the 3rd District and more than 730 local bridges need repairs.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was passed by the House last Friday with 228 votes, including 13 Republican votes. It was passed by the Senate with 69 votes in August. For more information on the expected impact on Kansas, see the fact sheet at

Rep. Davids releases new report on state of bridges in 3rd District

Central Avenue Bridge, 18th Street Expressway bridge included in report

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., today released a new report on the safety of bridges in the 3rd District. She was joined by Mayor David Alvey, left, and Lindsey Douglas of the Kansas Department of Transportation, right. (Photo from Rep. Davids’ office)

Today, U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., released a new report examining the status and safety of bridges in the 3rd District of Kansas, the first installment in her office’s “State of our Systems” series.

The series will detail the most pressing infrastructure needs in the district and how Rep. Davids is working to bring federal funds to those projects, starting with bridges. Key findings include:

• 6 of the top 10 most-travelled structurally deficient bridges in Kansas are in the 3rd District.
• Repairs are needed on 732 bridges in Kansas’ 3rd District, which will cost an estimated $1.4 billion.
• Each day, over 16 million bridge crossings happen in the 3rd District. 13 million of those are on bridges that have suggested repair work.
• The bipartisan infrastructure bill, which Rep. Davids supports, would create the single largest dedicated bridge investment since the construction of the Interstate Highway System.

Closed Central Avenue Bridge included in report

Davids announced findings on the Central Avenue Bridge, a 103-year-old bridge that is highlighted in the report due to its forced closure earlier this year after officials reported a “fear of failure.”

Kansas Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary Lindsey Douglas and Kansas City, Kansas, Mayor David Alvey joined Davids to emphasize the importance of investing in these vital arteries.

The speakers added their voices to over a dozen Kansas City-area leaders in calling for the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which would bring an estimated $225 million to Kansas for bridge replacement and repairs as well as establishing a $12.5 billion Bridge Investment Program.

The 18th Street Expressway bridge also is mentioned in the report, which stated that repair options for it are so expensive that replacement is now being considered.

Rep. Sharice Davids made her announcement from the closed Central Avenue Bridge. (Photo from Rep. Davids’ office)

‘These investments can’t wait’

“13 million times a day, people in our community use bridges that need to be repaired. That’s 13 million daily reminders that these investments can’t wait, and it’s why I’m proud to support policies that bring federal funding to much-needed projects here at home,” Rep. Davids said.

“Bridges are more than just concrete and steel—they connect people, resources, and opportunities. This new report makes clear that we need to be investing in these vital structures, so we can continue to foster critical connections,” said Kansas Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary Lindsey Douglas. “That’s why it’s important that we have leaders at the local, state, and federal level who recognize that infrastructure can boost quality of life for every Kansan. I’m glad to join those leaders today.”

“Today’s report from Rep. David’s office further reinforces the need for additional investment in local infrastructure, particularly in our bridges and roads, not only in our community but throughout the entire region,” said Mayor David Alvey of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas.

The full “State of our Systems: Bridges” report can be accessed at https://davids.house.gov/sites/davids.house.gov/files/The%20State%20of%20our%20Systems%20Bridges_October%202021_compressed%20%282%29.pdf

  • Information from Rep. Davids’ office