Celebrate St. Pat’s Day with a little Irish literature

Kansas City, Kan., author Helen Walsh Folsom has written a new novel with an Irish setting, just about ready to send off to her publisher. (File photo)

Window on the West

by Mary Rupert

St. Patrick’s Day can hardly pass without a mention of one of the names most locally associated with the holiday – Helen Folsom.

Folsom, age 80, has written a book on St. Patrick, called “St. Patrick’s Secrets.”

Her three books have an Irish theme, and she has another one almost ready to send off to the publisher, reported her daughter, Bettse Folsom.

The new book is another fictional story set in Ireland.

Folsom’s first book, in 2002, was the nonfiction, “St. Patrick’s Secrets.” That was followed by “Ah, Those Irish Colleens!” a historical book, in 2003.

After a tornado hit her Kansas City, Kan., home in 2003, Helen’s fiction writing was put on hold for a while.

In November 2012, Folsom published a novel, “Fianna, The Dark Web of the Brotherhood,” available from Amazon.com. This novel has lots of Irish romance and adventure, set in 1892 during the Irish rebellion, and those who read it can learn a little about history, too.

“Fianna” is doing great overseas, especially in its Kindle sales, Folsom said.

To find Helen’s books online on the Amazon website, visit: “St. Patrick’s Secrets” “Ah, Those Irish Colleens,” and “Fianna.”

To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].