Voting rights tops U.S. Senate agenda as Jan. 6 anniversary nears

by Ariana Figueroa, Kansas Reflector

Washington — U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday stressed that Democrats are prepared to change Senate rules to pass voting rights legislation — and linked the move to the attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump.

“The election subversion efforts we’re seeing all across the country today are a direct continuation of Jan. 6,” he said at a press conference, referring to Republican state lawmakers who back legislation that imposes stricter voting requirements on their states, following Trump’s defeat. Congress is preparing to mark the one-year anniversary of the Capitol attack on Thursday with speeches and ceremonies.

Schumer’s comments came even as Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia said earlier in the day that he was opposed to Senate rule changes unless they were bipartisan. Manchin is a key vote for advancement of voting legislation in the evenly divided Senate.

Manchin told reporters that it’s his preference to work with Republicans to come to a bipartisan agreement rather than change Senate rules.

“Being open to a rules change that would create a new direction, it’s very, very difficult,” Manchin said, according to Capitol Hill pool reports.

However, Schumer said that for months Democrats tried to negotiate with Republicans, but he said that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that “it’s a bottom line, no one should cooperate on voting rights.”

On the Senate floor, McConnell argued that because the 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout, “our democracy is not in crisis.”

“There are senators on both sides who understand that any supposedly limited ‘carve out’ would bring the whole house crashing down,” he said.

Senate Republicans have blocked debate in the Senate on voting rights three times.

“So there is not going to be any kind of bipartisan action, we know that,” Schumer said. “Our caucus is now engaged in active discussions about how we can restore the Senate.”

Schumer also suggested that Manchin is continuing to negotiate on changes in the filibuster.

“There are certain things he won’t go for, but there are certain things he’s talking about,” Schumer said. “Hopefully we can get 50 of us to come to an agreement.”

Current filibuster rules require a 60-vote threshold to advance and pass legislation, rather than a simple majority, and with an evenly divided Senate, Democrats need all of their members on board.

Democratic Sens. Raphael Warnock of Georgia, Jeff Merkley of Oregon, Alex Padilla of California and Senate Rules Committee Chairwoman Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota joined the press conference. Schumer said that Democrats will have a debate on changing rules by Jan. 17, which is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Schumer added that Democrats are working to get Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Manchin to agree to some type of filibuster carve out specifically to pass voting rights legislation.

Warnock said that Congress is running out of time to pass meaningful voting rights legislation.

“Let me be very clear,” Warnock said. “The elections are still run by the state. We’re just trying to provide a federal baseline that says everybody ought to have access, every American has to have access to the ballot.”

He said in his home state of Georgia, there is currently an effort in the state legislature to eliminate absentee ballot drop boxes in the entire state.

“It’s very clear what the Republican party is up to,” Warnock said. “They are trying to make it harder for some people to vote … and I predict that over the next few days you’re going to hear the same Republicans give a lot of lip service to bipartisanship.”

The Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law found that from Jan. 1 to Dec. 7 of 2021, at least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting voting access.

“There are solutions to this alarming and unprecedented attack on our democracy,” according to the center. “Congress has the power to take bold action now to protect American voters from the kinds of restrictions enacted this year and the looming threats to voters and elections that may be imposed in 2022 and beyond.”

Sinema has made it clear that under no circumstances will she change her position about carving out filibuster changes to advance any voting rights legislation.

“As she has throughout her time in the U.S. House and Senate, Senator Sinema also continues to support the Senate’s 60-vote threshold, to protect the country from repeated radical reversals in federal policy which would cement uncertainty, deepen divisions, and further erode Americans’ confidence in our government,” her office wrote in a statement, the same one she made in December in response to questions about her position on the filibuster.

Schumer did not specify which voting rights legislation Democrats would try to pass, but several pieces have been introduced.

One that Senate Democrats worked on with Manchin is called the Freedom to Vote act, which would establish Election Day as a national holiday and set minimum standards that each state must have for elections, such as two weeks of early voting and an option for same-day voter registration.

Another piece of legislation, the John Lewis Voting Rights and Advancement Act, would bolster the Voting Rights Act by establishing a new formula to require all 50 states to get special permission from the Justice Department before making any changes to voting laws or putting in place new voting requirements.

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Wyandotte County election commissioner to retire

Wyandotte County Election Commissioner Bruce Newby (File photo)

Wyandotte County Election Commissioner Bruce Newby will be retiring Feb. 1, according to the Kansas secretary of state’s office.

A spokesman said the secretary of state is very grateful to Newby for his service. Newby, who has served as election commissioner here since 2006, requested retirement, according to the secretary of state’s office.

Newby has been a career Army and civil servant. He previously was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, and senior civil engineer for homeland security for the URS Corp.

“On behalf of the state of Kansas, we offer Mr. Newby our heartfelt gratitude for the diligence and dedication in which he led the Wyandotte County Election Office. We wish him well in his retirement,” Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab said in a statement Friday.

The Wyandotte County election commissioner is appointed by the Kansas secretary of state.

The secretary of state’s office will form a committee including representatives from the Unified Government and the secretary of state’s office to work together to evaluate candidates, interview them and select an applicant, the spokesman said. The selection process details will be announced next week.

Candidate says court ruling today to create separate and unequal voting in Kansas

Jean Schodorf, running for the Democratic nomination for Kansas secretary of state, today said a court ruling on proof of citizenship on election forms would create “separate and unequal” voting in Kansas.

Schodorf is running for the office currently occupied by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

She issued a statement today: “I am appalled by Judge Melgren’s ruling today,” Schodorf said.  “The federal voter registration form did not create a loophole to Kobach’s proof of citizenship requirements, it ensured that Kansans are able to vote in all elections, federal, state and local. Under Kobach’s two-tier voting scheme, some Kansans will be able to vote in all elections, while others will be unable to vote in their state and local elections, which would block their voice from key issues such as education and property taxes.

“Kobach’s war on voting must stop,” Schodorf said. “The federal voter registration form includes an affidavit that prospective voters must sign swearing they are citizens. This form is a legal document, and if you lie on a legal document, you go to jail. Kris Kobach should be focused on running the Kansas Secretary of State’s office so our business owners and entrepreneurs can create more jobs in Kansas, instead of focusing on his personal agenda.

“As secretary of state, I will work each and every day to protect all Kansas voters and our hard won democratic freedoms,” she said. “Kansans will not tolerate a system of separate and unequal voting. As I travel the state, I keep hearing my fellow Kansans say they are embarrassed. I don’t want my neighbors to be embarrassed anymore.”

Kobach, in a news release today, said there will be no need now for a dual election system.

“This is a huge victory for the states of Kansas and Arizona. They have successfully protected our sovereign right to set and enforce the qualifications for registering to vote,” Kobach said in a news release. “We have now paved the way for all 50 states to protect their voter rolls and ensure that only U.S. citizens can vote.”

The lawsuit against the EAC was brought seven months ago by the states of Kansas and Arizona and their secretaries of state. It asked the federal court to force the EAC modify the Kansas-specific and Arizona-specific instructions on the federal voter registration form to make it clear that applications will not be complete without submitting concrete evidence of citizenship.

“Because of this victory there will be no need for a dual election system,” Kobach said in the news release. “Otherwise we would have been stuck with a federal-elections-only ballot for those very few who used the federal form to register and failed to provide a citizenship document.”

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