Today is last day for advance voting in person

Monday, Aug. 3, is the last day for advance voting in person before the Aug. 4 primary election.

Advance voting is being offered from 8 a.m. to noon Monday, Aug. 3, at the Wyandtote County Election Office, 850 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

Registered voters may vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 4, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. at their assigned polling places. A few polling places have changed this election, and voters may check their polling places and whether they are registered to vote at the Voter View website at

Mail ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday, Aug. 4, and received by the election office in the mail by Friday, or they can be dropped off in person at any polling place while polls are open on Tuesday, Election Day. The deadline for requesting a mail ballot has already passed, and was last Tuesday.

More details about voting in this election are at

Stories about Election 2020 are found under the category tab “Election 2020” or at and at

Two candidate forums are online and also are being shown on the KCKCC cable television channel. To see more information, visit

Visit the Voter View site to find out whether you are registered to vote and where your polling place is,

For more election information, visit the Wyandotte County Election Office website at

Early voting in person offered today

Early voting in person is offered today, Aug. 1, at three sites in Wyandotte County.

The primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 4. Advance voting has been offered since July 21, and continues Saturday at three locations.

Registered voters also may vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 4, at their assigned polling places.

Remaining advance in-person voting schedule:

• Election Office, 850 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1; and 8 a.m. to noon Monday, Aug. 3.

• Joe Amayo-Argentine Community Center, 2810 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1.

• Eisenhower Recreation Center, 2901 N. 72nd St., Kansas City, Kansas, 10 .a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1.

The polls also will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 4. Voters must go to their assigned polling places on Election Day.

Also, mail-in ballots that have already been requested by the voters may be filled out and mailed back, or the completed mail-in ballots may be dropped off to any polling place in Wyandotte County on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ballots that are in the mail should have a postmark on them of Tuesday, Aug. 4, or earlier. The deadline for requesting a mail ballot has already passed, and was last Tuesday.

More details about voting in this election are at

Stories about Election 2020 are found under the category tab “Election 2020” or at and at

Two candidate forums are online and also are being shown on the KCKCC cable television channel. To see more information, visit

Visit the Voter View site to find out whether you are registered to vote and where your polling place is,

For more election information, visit the Wyandotte County Election Office website a

Questionnaire: Rep. Henderson seeks re-election in 35th District

Rep. Broderick Henderson (Submitted photo)

Rep. Broderick Henderson is the Democratic incumbent for the 35th District of the Kansas House. He has served 26 years in the Kansas House. He recently responded to a Wyandotte Daily election questionnaire.

The primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 4. Early voting is ongoing in Wyandotte County, and some residents currently are sending in their mail ballots. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 4, and voters may go to their assigned polling places.

Name and office sought:
Broderick Henderson – 35th District-Kansas House of Representatives

Occupation and experience:
35th District State Representative – 26 years
Unified Government – Supervisor Daily Operations-Parking -38 years

College -3 years

Organizations, clubs, groups to which you belong:
Young Memorial Church – Superintendent -Sunday School
Volunteer -Food Pantry/food distribution
Mentor -community youth
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity

Reasons for running:
I am running for the 35th District State Representative in order to serve the constituents of this district. Over the past years I have learned about the operations of state government and that knowledge and experience I bring to the table. Being from the minority party I know the importance of that knowledge and it provides me with a legislative advantage that otherwise someone without experience…would not have.

What are the three most important issues facing the district and how would you handle them?
The first issue is the impact of the coronavirus. I will work for Medicaid Expansion so that members of the 35th District will have access to health insurance.
The second issue is public education. I have in the past and will continue to support quality public education and adequate funding.
The third issue is employment. I will continue to work with the small businesses in the 35th district and the businesses in Fairfax Industrial District to help prepare workers for employment. I will also work to help create new businesses.

If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office:
My voting record proves that I have always supported policies that enhance the 35th District. For example, I have always voted for increasing minimum wage, the reinstatement of prevailing wages, expansion of housing opportunities, providing more funding for public education, and policies that would help the businesses in the Fairfax Industrial District.
In the House of Representatives, I voted to expand Medicaid, However, it failed in the Kansas Senate.

Have you run for elected office previously? When? Results?
I ran for State Representative and won and have served in that capacity for the past 26 years.

For more election information, visit the Election 2020 category tab at

More voting information is at