The Kansas Department of Transportation is holding a public information open house for the 18th Street bridge replacement project on Thursday, July 14.
The public is invited to attend the open house style meeting anytime between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the South Branch Kansas City, Kansas Public Library at 3104 Strong Ave., Kansas City, Kansas 66106.
Since 2019, KDOT has been working to identify a plan to improve the safety and longevity of the U.S. 69- 18th Street bridge and the project is moving forward into the preliminary design phase, according to a KDOT spokesman.
At the open house, attendees can learn about the project background, design process and schedule. KDOT and project team members will be available to answer questions. There will not be a formal presentation.
In addition to the public information open house, KDOT has launched a project website at www.18thstreetbridgekck.com.
For those unable to attend the in-person meeting, KDOT will host an on-demand virtual public meeting on the project website. People can attend this virtual open house at their convenience, view meeting materials, and provide questions and comments through an online form that goes directly to the project team for review and response. The virtual informational open house will be available July 15 – 29. The content will be the same both online and in-person.
The public can visit the website to learn more about the project, sign up for project updates and view the virtual public meeting.
If you need special assistance or accommodations for the meetings, would like to request a hard copy version or would like to discuss with a project team member, contact Kelsey Heavin at 816-527-2468 or [email protected].