Josh Svaty, a Democratic candidate for governor, visited Kansas City, Kansas, on Tuesday in an effort to energize his supporters and get out the vote.
He received 11 legislative endorsements on Tuesday, including five from Wyandotte County.
“We’re a week out from the primary,” Svaty said at his campaign event at Breit’s Stein and Deli, 412 N. 5th St., Kansas City, Kansas. “We’ve got to have people turn out to vote.”
He said like every other county in the state, the voters here have to get excited and fired up.
Svaty, Topeka, is a former legislator and a former Kansas agriculture secretary. Svaty is one of five Democratic candidates running for governor. Others include Arden Andersen of Olathe; Jack Bergeson of Wichita, Carl Brewer of Wichita, and Laura Kelly of Topeka.
Svaty’s running mate, Katrina Lewison, of Manhattan, is a West Point graduate originally from Hutchinson and Buhler, Kansas. She served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and is now a consultant and a school board member.
Originally from a farm family in Ellsworth, Kansas, Svaty on an earlier trip to Kansas City, Kansas, said he was in favor of lowering the sales tax on food, working on Medicaid expansion and restoring funding to schools. He also was in favor of finding a path forward for the children of immigrants.
“His campaign has a lot of momentum,” Rep. Pam Curtis, D-32nd Dist., said. Svaty is inspiring, forward-looking and ready to tackle the problems of the state, she said. “That’s the leadership we need in Topeka.”
She said there was a very good turnout for the Svaty meet-and-greet event on Tuesday at Breit’s.
State legislators from Wyandotte County who endorsed Svaty on Tuesday included Rep. Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Dist.; Rep. Curtis; Rep. Stan Frownfelter, D-37th Dist.; Rep. Broderick Henderson, D-35th Dist.; and Rep. Louis Ruiz, D-31st Dist.
Other legislative endorsements for Svaty announced on Tuesday include Rep. Cindy Neighbor, D-18th Dist.; Rep. Adam Lusker, D-2nd Dist.; Rep. Eber Phelps, D-111th Dist.; Rep. Jason Probst, D-102nd Dist.; Rep. Tom Sawyer, D-95th Dist.; and Rep. Jerry Stogsdill, D-21st Dist.
The primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 7.
To see an earlier story about the Democratic primary for governor, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/kansas-democrats-face-primary-dilemma-in-governors-race/
More election stories are under the Election 2018 tab, https://wyandotteonline.com/category/election-2018/.