Students to March Oct. 8 in honor of Cesar Chavez

Students at Caruthers Elementary School in Kansas City, Kan., will be participating in a mock protest march at 10:10 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, to emulate the 1965 march led by Mexican American labor activist Cesar Chavez. The mock demonstration is a part of a lesson commemorating Hispanic Heritage Month.

This year marks the 10th year for this event, organized by third grade teacher Lisa Young. The annual event provides students with lessons in history, literacy, and communication.

Chavez was a migrant worker who fought for the rights and fair treatment of migrant workers. He became a voice for all workers.

Banneker students will create picket signs (with sticks donated by the local Home Depot) in their classes with slogans used by Chavez such as “Si, se puede” which means, “Yes, it can be done” and “huelgas” which is the Spanish word for “strike.”

Students have written essays about the march, and what it means. One student wrote, “I thought it was fun because it really made me feel blessed because we have freedom and they didn’t have freedom.” Another wrote, “I got to experience what it was like to be Cesar Chavez – to fight for my and other people’s freedom.”

Young started the march during her first year as a teacher at Caruthers. Two classes participated that year. With passing years, more classes got involved by watching and then joining in. Today, all students participate.

– Story from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools