Students of month named for KCK Schools

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education honored four students as Students of the Month at the Oct. 27 meeting.  Students who were honored include, back row, from left, Abbey Smith from Harmon High School, Terrance Johnson from Argentine Middle School, front row from left, Marbeya Gallardo Suarez from New Stanley Elementary School and Siena Austin from the Early Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center. (Photo from KCKPS)
The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education honored four students as Students of the Month at the Oct. 27 meeting. Students who were honored include, back row, from left, Abbey Smith from Harmon High School, Terrance Johnson from Argentine Middle School, front row from left, Marbeya Gallardo Suarez from New Stanley Elementary School and Siena Austin from the Early Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center. (Photo from KCKPS)

Four students were recognized as Students of the Month by the Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education at the Oct. 27 meeting.

The students honored were Siena Austin, Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center; Marbeya Gallardo Suarez, New Stanley Elementary School; Terrance Johnson, Argentine Middle School; and Abbey Smith, Harmon High School.

Siena Austin, Pre-kindergarten, was nominated by preschool teacher, Amanda Dendurent. The nomination: “Siena comes into class each day with a smile on her face. She speaks kindly to her friends and teachers and always tries to include everyone in activities. Siena is very responsible and works hard to make good choices in the classroom. Siena is an excellent role model and she is an asset to our classroom. I am very proud to have her in my class.”

Marbeya Gallardo Suarez, third grade, was nominated by teachers Allison Butler and Elizabeth Traxler. The nomination: “Marbeya Gallardo is an excellent role model and support to her peers in a kind a gentle way. She is a bright, inquisitive young lady who continuously sets the bar for positive behavior in our classroom. Along with aiding her peers, Marbeya strives to improve herself each day. We could not imagine our classroom this year without her smiling face, can do attitude, and willingness to help.”

Terrance Johnson, eighth grade, was nominated by teacher, Micah Louis. The nomination: “I have had the privilege of knowing Terrance for the three years he has attended Argentine. He is going to be a big star one day! Terrance leads by example in all he does. He is a constant learner and always strives to bring out the best in everyone around him. He is a two-year starter at quarterback for our football team and has excelled at every other sport he has played, while still being responsible to maintain an A average. For all of his achievements, he is one of the most compassionate young men I have ever met, and genuinely longs for others around him to experience success. Terrance would be an ideal candidate to consider for student of the month honors.”

Abbey Smith, 11th grade, was nominated by teacher, Kim Angell. The nomination: “Abbey Smith is a strong academic student at J.C. Harmon. She is a very dedicated student who goes above and beyond what is required of her. She maintains a 4.0 GPA and takes her education very seriously. Abbey always takes her education very seriously. She is respected by her peers and teachers, and is a great role model. She always displays the highest level of integrity. She is very deserving of this nomination! ”