Students of month honored

Members of the Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education recognized April Students of the Month at the April 22 Board of Education meeting. Students honored were, from left, Julie Browne, from Wyandotte High School; Kevin Escarcega-Ramirez, from the KCK Early Childhood Center; Hie Moo, from Argentine Middle School; and Angel Aguirre, from White Church Elementary School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)

Four students were honored at the April 22 Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education meeting.

The students honored were Julie Browne, Wyandotte High School; Kevin Escarcega-Ramirez, KCK Early Childhood Center; Hie Moo, Argentine Middle School; and Angel Aguirre, White Church Elementary School.

The nomination letter for Kevin Escarcega-Ramirez, pre-kindergarten, Kansas City, Kan., Early Childhood Center, nominated by Katie Brooks, special education teacher.
“I would like to introduce you to Kevin Escarcega-Ramirez.  When he first came to my classroom in January of 2012, I saw a little boy with a beautiful face, but with many burdens.  Kevin had health issues, and I struggled with what I was to do with this particular student. Kevin began doing many things that were not expected.  We celebrated these triumphant moments as much as possible and he was just as excited.  Kevin now has to be reminded to allow other to have their turn.  He is amazing! I am so happy this remarkable boy has overcome and I hope that one day every teacher meets their own Kevin.”  Katie Brooks, teacher

The nomination letter for Angel Aguirre, fourth grade, White Church Elementary School, nominated by: Emily Dennis, fourth-grade teacher.
“Angel Aguirre is the kind of student every teacher dreams of having!  He comes to school, each and every day with an amazing desire to learn as much as he can!  Angel does whatever it takes to make sure he understands every skill and concept that is presented to him, and is also eager to help others with their understanding as well. He works hard, stays extremely focused in class, and routinely asks for extra homework.  Angel is an excellent role model for others!  He was elected, by his peers, to be one of our Student Council Representatives this year, and has taken his role very seriously.  Angel is such a motivated young man, that you just know he will be successful no matter where his future takes him—he is such a deserving young man—one of USD 500’s brightest stars!”  Emily Dennis, 4th grade teacher

The nomination letter for Hie Moo, 8th grade, Argentine Middle School, nominated by Heather Hamtil, strategic reading teacher.
“Hie Moo is in my strategic reading class.  It is with great pride that I nominate Hie as student of the month. He very much deserves this award.  Coming from Thailand, learning a new language, excelling in athletics and continually strives to excel in academics.  His strengths are in the classroom and on the football field as well. I am super excited for the possibility of how far Hie Moo will go with his future. Hie is focused, respectful and consistent in his application of new skills.  His collaborative ability is excellent, as well.”  Heather Hamtil, strategic reading teacher

The nomination letter for Julie Browne, 12th grade, Wyandotte High School, nominated by Mary Stewart, Wyandotte High School.
“When I sit and think about the type of student we want to exit out of high school, I think of graduating students that are focused, confident, and prepared academically and personally to take on the next chapter of their journey in life.  One senior that comes to my mind is, Wyandotte senior, Julie Browne.  She is a confident, yet humble young lady with passion, goals and vision.  I am proud to be her principal and represent her as April student of the month.  Julie has genuinely made a difference for students at Wyandotte High School.  Julie is at any time eager to tutor students struggling in math.  On days when Julie does not have college classes, Julie works to support math teachers and struggling math students.  She inspires us and radiates excellence in all she does.  Julie is someone who so genuinely deserves celebration!”   Mary Stewart, principal of Wyandotte High School